A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 13 July 2013


As many observers of the British social scene know there are few pleasures that the people of the United Kingdom enjoy more than getting drunk, involving themselves in fights or rowdy behaviour, informing on their neighbours or anyone else they don’t like to the police, paying ludicrous sums of money they can barely afford to get themselves tattooed and likewise forking out the same to watch little up front punks  kick a ball around for ninety minutes once a week in between spitting and fouling their opponents. All very true only there’s one thing I’ve missed and that’s how much they love their dogs. Indeed, the British are truly a nation of dog lovers and isn’t that nice!

Yes, isn’t that nice! In fact it’s been observed by those visiting Britain along with many dispassionate non dog owners living here that British people seem to love their dogs as much as they love their own children. Indeed, could it be the case that there are more instances of abuse against children than cruelty to dogs? This so called love of their dogs is both interesting and complex and well worth considering. Dog owners are not dog lovers in general. They love their own dogs, not everyone else’s. Their dog is considered not so much as a pet but part of the family. Indeed more often than not as a family member. An integral part of the family unit! They are treated, often adored, as active companions and trusted friends. Unlike children, problem free and uncomplicated. You often hear a litany of phraseology from dog owners well known to one and all about a dog being a man’s best friend when that friend should actually it should be his wife, or being part of the family when all it actually is in real terms is an animal appendage that takes on the character of its owner, more often than not let it be said in order to please. Dogs have a genetic lineage from wolves who used to wander round ancient campfires hoping to snaffle a bone then turned into affable friends for something out of a tin. Smart cookies, dogs!

However the relationship people have with their dogs isn’t as straightforward as that. While dogs often take on the personalities of their owners the latter often seek their own specific personality in the dogs they acquire. I would have used the word beasts here but that might have caused serious offence because no dog owner regards his or her dog as a beast. That would be unthinkable, unkind… ignorant more often than not because outsiders know nothing about the relationship they have! A dog or a bitch isn’t a beast, he or she is a friend! A kindred spirit! Well that’s what their owners need to think because of the emotionality they invest. That’s it really. Dog owners invest their emotions in such relationships. Perhaps because they are less challenging or hurtful than wives or children can be or so they think!  In that sense dogs can be appealing to the lazy side of human beings. Of men in particular. They require less effort for the affection and companionship they give. Their dog will love them no matter what!

So dogs take on the personalities of their owners and their owners seek dogs with self-affirming personalities. It is an observable fact just about everywhere that heavily tattooed working or underclass dog owners have a general taste for Staffordshire Bull Terriers after which come Alsatians and Dobermans. The former are active, purposeful and aggressive when pushed. The latter seriously aggressive when prompted. Unfortunately this is not simply a mimicry of personality but can often become much more when their owner requires their dog as an instrument for his or her aggression. In such cases the dog takes on more than the passive quality of a companion and becomes the agent of its owner’s will. The preference of middle class owners however is more for affable companionable creatures such as Labradors or hounds. Affectionate trusting relationships that are essentially passive. Dogs for the home rather than dogs for the street and at home very much an extension of family. Good with the children. Not too much hard work required. Not too much of a challenge. They are part of comfort, ease and domesticity.

There’s another side though to aggressive dog ownership or the lazy ease of middle class affability. While both are more often a matter of family extension many dog owners are single individuals and it is here that equally interesting and often problematic circumstances arise. The dog becomes much more than a friend.  In the case of middle aged men and women the relationship becomes altogether more psychological. Altogether more intimate. Not so much that of a parent to a child but in a peculiar way almost like that of companionable substitute for family that’s missing. In many such cases the dog reflects a neurosis within its owner. Their relationship becomes more deeply personal than is healthy insofar as the beloved creature can do no wrong. That any criticism of its behaviour becomes a criticism or attack on its owner. The consequences of this are clearly observable. For example if the attentions of a dog on people in public, say in a park, are rejected, its owner may take this as a slight on themselves and reproach some stranger accordingly.

Other examples of this quite common dog owner neuroses are altogether less pleasant, such as being socially blind to the conduct of this do-no-wrong part of themselves. Instances I have personally witnessed are owners taking their dogs into children’s playgrounds, allowing them to defecate in sandpits where kids are playing and when reproached by parents are defensive in the extreme and often respond with serious abuse. The same goes for public parks where single middle aged women give their charges carte blanche to shit wherever they like. Another problem often arises in small public gardens where only guide dogs are allowed. Well displayed notices to this affect are ignored by women who make a point of bringing in usually small fluffy dogs without leads to piss all over benches and empty their pedigree pal on the flower beds. Their response to complaint is invariably the same, defensive abusive. The dog’s behaviour might be anti-social but is never perceived as such by an owner obsessed with their charge. Such people are undoubtedly possessed by a compulsive neuroses that likewise turns their dog into a weapon. 

This problem of neurotic British dog owners in general is commonplace and serious whether in small towns or the suburbs of cities. It is a perennial cause of tension between semi-detached neighbours or in provincial parks and is now an essential characteristic of a very anti-social way of life in British society where dogs are often considered more important than people. It’s not the fault of the dogs. People have changed. Under  pressures created by economic anxiety, they have become socially marginalized. Old identities have gone, things that were once certain have disappeared. Loss of place promoting a new social dis-ease. The personalities of dog owners and their neuroses perfectly reflects this fracturing of the old social ease and headlong plunge into uncertainty with anti-social aggression, anxiety, fear and disturbed personality fast becoming the order of the day. New times create a need for new certainties. With dogs increasingly reflecting the personalities and temperaments of their owners new solutions are needed to create for our friends a new sense of harmony. A new sense of canine spirituality from a new kind of healing.

Crystal healing for canines is very much a new vision. What one might justly call a New Wave Idea. The tensions and imbalances of canine personality is not something new. Its existence has been known for millennia. Its solution however has only become possible with the advent in recent decades of the new science if I may describe it as such, of Crystal Healing. We are now aware of the healing properties of crystals. That each is specific to a certain condition of wellbeing. It is now believed that such associations between people and crystals may be equally relevant to the spiritual condition of dogs. We have all witnessed the canine temperament and changes within it. I’m not talking here of any relevance of specific crystals to specific breed of dog. On the contrary I refer to the spiritual connectivity of specific crystals to each canine temperamental condition and need. The healing properties of Rose Quartz, for example, on the agitated, disturbed condition of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. As a crystal that creates and enhances a soothing, loving, calming disposition its healing effect has yet to be realised. Amethyst on the other hand may purify the blood and enhance circulation in many species from Setters to Dalmatians.

The science at this time remains inexact. There is currently much speculation and significant healing experimentation to be done. I have earlier pointed to the problems of dog owners, the respective conditions they create and affect they have on their charges. The potential remedy for this is to consider the situation from the dogs point of view! Indeed, how it might become possible to reverse this effect through crystal healing therapy on the dogs themselves. This spiritual healing and re-alignment therapy, a rebalancing if you will of the spiritual energies of dogs, would inevitably have a profound effect on their owners. Such a  symbiosis in the form of a mutual wellbeing is well known and nothing new but using crystals to create such a state, however, is a radical departure from all forms of hitherto canine psychology. It represents a new stage in the relationship between dogs and their human friends. One that is indeed profound and revolutionary.

Here there are difficult questions to consider.  One is naturally the effect of crystals worn by dogs on owners who do not wear crystals, or anyone else they come into contact with who likewise do not experience the spiritual benefits of crystal healing. Then again there is the matter of the spiritual interconnectivity of the healing properties of crystals worn by both dogs and their owners. Should the wearing of crystals by both dogs and their owners be those that are mutually complimentary to the personalities of each or self-enhancing to become mutually complimentary so that dogs and their owners are able to spiritually grow together? This inter-developmental relationship between dogs and their owners each receiving the benefits of crystal healing therapy is complex and may be decided by the interrelationship between the dog and its owner’s mutual spiritual needs. A problem here is that the differential energies of crystals might not necessarily be complimentary to both dogs and human beings. Are we concerned to use crystal healing to create personalities in dogs that complement that of their owners or allow canines their own unfettered distinct personalities?

These are matters for future philosophers and psychologists of crystal healing and canine personality to research and no doubt such issues will be explored in Faculties of Crystal Healing at some of our finest Universities in the coming decades. For example a Department of Crystal Healing and Canine Psychology  at Oxford University is not in the least improbable! Having said this much of course depends on whether dog owners might be interested in crystal healing and believe in its beneficial effects and not only for themselves but also their canines. For now though just a few simple suggestions. Things you may wish to try out. For owners of Staffordshire Bull Terriers and let us say Dobermans why not try attaching a Rose Quartz crystal pendant with silver chain to its collar and observe its effect. Making it more calm, affectionate and loving, less aggressive perhaps, is something you may not initially want or desire, that is if you want it to be a simple extension of your own personality! It all comes down to what you really want your dog for. However an alternative is a pendant of Amethyst for giving your dog a healthier physical condition as the crystal increases the production of hormones and may harmonize its endocrine and immune systems. It may also relieve physical and emotional tension and stress therefore assisting in bonding with children and neighbours.

Finally there’s always the simple Quartz crystal as possibly the greatest healing and energy booster and regulator. Generating electro-magnetism it may tune itself to the spiritual energy of your dog enhancing it if required and making it a more vibrant active companion. These are mere suggestions. If you’ve tried them yourselves and found their effects beneficial you may wish to see how they work with your canine companions. Take care in how you attach them to the collar. A small hole perhaps with a clip. The choice is yours but the benefits of crystal healing to many millions of adults is undoubted so why not try with your dog! Just think of your Doberman… Just looking at you so affectionately and not wanting to bite anyone’s hand off, or your little black Staffie being so nice to the cat.

It’s true that other things have been written about dogs and crystal healing but it’s all casual stuff. A few photos but little else. Nothing that approaches serious study and a rigorous outlook. Here I have presented for the first time what may best be described as the foundation for a new science for others to consider and take forward. Much work remains to be done.  


If you've enjoyed reading this post and others in the series, why not try reading some of the novels I've written? One is a highly enjoyable black satire about the English Literary Racket and what unknown writers have to do to try and get their work published. It exposes the whole dirty world of literary agents, celebrity writers, journalists and publishers and it tells you the truth. I know, I've been through it all.

A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH is a story that Rupert Murdoch's book publishing company Harper Collins, the largest in the UK, refused to publish. You can download the Foreword on Amazon for free if you like, and if you want to read more it will cost just 99 cents or around 75 pence. Above all I hope you enjoy it and that it makes you laugh because I enjoyed writing it.

The story has many different characters and one or two heroes. It also has a serious message. About the people who really control publishing and the kind of books they allow you to read. All the publishers refused to give this black comedy a public hearing. They pose as liberals, believers in free speech but they're nothing of the kind and the thing they fear most is satire. If you read A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH you'll understand why.

Another great read is my Science Fiction novel THE ADVENTURES OF A MAROONED SPACEMAN told in two parts. It’s a story about a human being’s struggle to survive after being dumped on an alien world after his Starcruiser is attacked by space pirates. It’s a real thriller about human endurance and the triumph of a man against all the odds.

Finally you’ll really enjoy my exciting human interest drama THE BROTHERS PAGE, A VERY ENGLISH NOVEL, about a working class family up north, two brothers and their sister, who make it out of a tough grinding background to achieve happiness, fame and fortune. Through it all the guiding spirit is Ma Page, who nurtures her family through many adventures. This is a story full of happiness and romance  where true love is found. A great family tale full of hard work and ambition, optimism and hope. Something that will warm the hearts of those who find life tough and dispiriting today. You can likewise get some free download from Amazon to experience the spirit of the story and to buy it is cheap. I promise you’ll enjoy it!  

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