I mean, all you had to do was look at their
faces! Of course, some did it better than others, the natural born losers who
tried so hard to come over straight that the effort stuck out! Their phoniness
shining through all the sincerity! One particular victim of this desperate
desire to please and be thought of as a really good bloke is Nick Clegg, someone
who’s continually had to explain why he and his fellow Liberal Democrats have climbed
into bed with the Tories night after night five years or more and are still
morally clean instead of being what they actually
are, poxed out political trollops compromised in the mind of just about
everyone in Britain. Nick Clegg, politically a dead man walking if ever there
was one, tried to explain it all in his New Year Greeting but the moral weight
of five years of dreadful opportunism by he and his Party was there in his face
and simply couldn’t be hidden. The lie he’s been telling himself and selling us
wholesale about those bed sharing practices with a gang of dirty old men was in fact for OUR benefit. In short, that somewhere in the back of that dark
mysterious place he calls his mind he reasoned in best biblical fashion that like
Jesus he did it to save us all! That it was best for the economy and
for the nation… if you actually believe it!
Well, that’s what came out on his face and
in the increasingly desperate sounding words of his greeting. But let’s not be
too critical of this wretched political gadfly who never hesitated for a moment
at jumping at the chance to be someone, a Deputy Prime Minister no less! He’s got
to say what he does and now more than ever with the guillotine of public
contempt hanging over his neck. He’s got
to keep up his charade of trying to convince the electorate he did the right
thing. That he and his Party won major concessions for their beddy-bye
practices! Oh really, you mean like electoral reform, or controlling the banks
and those financial executive bonuses do you, added to which you now have the
plain gall to tell us just how necessary you and your Party are, no matter who you might be in Coalition
Government with next time around, to create economic and political stability!
Well that’s really big of you Nick. So the
political ideas and programs of the Labour Party or Tories don’t really matter
that much, just as long as you and your
friends can be there doing your so called bit of moderation! Well really
Nick, don’t you think the gramophone record you’re playing is getting just a
bit worn? We all know you’re desperate. That you, Vince, Danny, Ed Davey and
all the rest are on the edge of a cliff currently battling it out with the
Monster Raving Looney Party for fifth place in the ratings and that after the
May General Election you’re dogmeat and not going into Coalition with ANYBODY.
It’s just that you lied Nick and someone like Gordon Brown only made
you look good on television because he himself was so deeply pathetic. Okay
you’ve had your five years of fun. Five years of thinking that you and your
crew actually made any real difference when actually you didn’t and now quite
frankly no-one gives a shit anymore so why not go gracefully? Try and
understand things for the way they are Nick. Time’s up for you and the
Scarecrow. You’ll not be playing those naughty political games with anyone anymore
so why not bow out with a bit of decorum instead of pretending you’re something
you’re not. From May the days of playing Mister Nice Guy are over and you’re just
a footnote in history so why not go to confession while you’re still able and
But then the prospects could be even worse
for the Millipede. Imagine what dear old Ed’s having to face. Labour losing around
forty of its once guaranteed safe seats in Scotland to the Nationalists, and
then the added horror of watching a third of its once solid northern working
class vote going down the plug hole to UKIP. None of it’s as unimaginable as it
might seem, especially with potential voters telling polling organisations it’s
UKIP that stands for traditional Labour Party values these days. So what do
they think Labour actually stands for our Ed? Well they clearly associate the
Party with the uncontrolled mass Muslim immigration of the Blair and Brown
years and they don’t want any repetition of that. Then they connect you with
unfailing support for the EU and they’re certainly not enamored with that
either. But worse, even worse, they rightly blame Dark Gordon’s Government of
which you were a part for creating a catastrophic economic collapse and see you
and your Party as synonymous with mass unemployment and the cause of a major
deterioration of their standard of living. Indeed, millions of working people regard
themselves as far poorer today than they were in the past precisely because of
Labour Government policy that favored the wealthy.
In other words they look at the record of
recent Labour Government and see that it stinks where they are concerned!
Just around Christmas, Ed, your former
guiding spirit Tony Blair told you that the Labour Party risked being seen
stuck in left wing policies and needed to shift more towards what he called the center ground in order to gain wide
public support for the coming General Election. An interesting view but then
what values should the Labour Party actually stand for? Historically, even up to
the 1960s it represented the interests of working people, the poor and the
unemployed. It’s values were steeped in its socialist ethic of helping those
who were the most needy. These were first watered down by Neil Kinnock then
abandoned entirely by Tony Blair whose Labour Government in the late 1990s had
far more in common with the Tory policies of Margaret Thatcher than anything in
previous Labour Government history, reaching an apotheosis in the financial
policies and catastrophe of Gordon Brown. In fact it was Blair’s Labour
Government that was responsible for beginning the process of destroying what
was once free Higher Education along with bringing an ethic of profit and
competition into the National Health Service. Today the NHS is all that’s
left of what were once the core values
of the Labour Party and today remains as the only pillar for Ed Miliband to
campaign around and that’s serious, because what is it that actually makes
Labour different to the Tories in the eyes of their voters?
In recent times Ed Miliband referred to
Gordon Brown as a towering figure in
Labour Party politics. That’s plain disturbing because most of Labour’s natural
electorate see the dark mumbler as the legitimate cause of so much of their
misery! Even worse, he’s expressed the view that Labour under his Premiership would
even more assiduously pursue the current Tory program of cutting social welfare
to pay off the deficit caused by the economic policies of his predecessor. This
in effect is a guarantee of continued cuts in any remaining social welfare
programs left in place by the Coalition Government only this time supervised by
Labour! How then one wonders can Labour shift into the center ground as suggested by Blair when
Ed Miliband’s already committed it to being stuck out on the right with
policies nastier than those of the Tories?
In short, thanks for your Christmas message
Ed but I’m having trouble imagining exactly who might vote Labour in the May
General Election. There could well be much tactical voting by Liberal Democrats
in Labour’s direction but it’s hard to imagine much of the Labour’s traditional
vote remaining loyal when UKIP’s offering an open door waiting to be kicked in.
Of course the space itself is imaginary. UKIP’s social and economic policies
are nothing like those of Labour of old but most people abandoning a sinking
ship don’t ask too many questions. They’ll remember Labour’s diabolical record.
Remember the Islamic fanatics running riot at the Finsbury Park Mosque and
spouting their filth with Labour Home Secretaries turning a blind eye and Abu
Hamza playing cheerleader while the police stood by doing nothing! And they’ll
remember Labour’s refusal to guarantee a Referendum on EU membership but above
all they’ll remember Labour ditching its traditional values in favour of cosy
chats with bankers and business.
If Nick Clegg says he’ll offer Labour Government
Liberal Democrat spine in any future
Coalition it certainly won’t be the kind that helps ease the burden on the
backs of the poor! So who is it our Ed who’s likely to love you come
Springtime? Well certainly no-one in Scotland and with the strategic situation
looking increasingly desperate I for one am trying to understand why you can’t
stop your grinning. Do you know something I don’t or did your campaign managers
tell you to keep smiling. Look like some grinning idiot all the time when you come
out with your meaningless political snippets of nothing!
That said let’s turn to the Tories. This is
the sensible Party. One that understands only too well that the only thing voters
really concern themselves with is the money they’ve got in their pockets. A symbol
of their economic health in the future. They know they’ll look back at Labour’s
record, see what they’ve done, consider the gradual economic turnaround and
their slowly improving personal prospects with Cameron. It’s a clear choice. Labour’s
record and the shit they’ve been in five years or more or the possibility of something
better. With Cameron, firm unsmiling and determined against Ed Miliband’s
grinning and promising little except more of the same it’s a plain and simple
no brainer. It’s all very well saying the Tories are nasty but it’s nothing
compared to the situation that millions of people found themselves in through
no fault of their own and whether Labour like it or not it’s just a plain fact,
made even worse because it’s something that you and your friends have always refused
to acknowledge.
Lack of trust however is a sword with two
edges. The one precious thing that voters will always want to hold onto is the
National Health Service created by Labour. Still part of its soul no matter what
else they have done. For tens of millions of people the free at the point of
delivery National Health Service is everything. In essence their guarantee of
health and something as precious as the money they’ve got in their pockets,
especially when they consider any alternative like what there is in America!
The National Health Service is Labour and will always be Labour no
matter what and the vast mass of British people trust Labour with it. No
matter what assurances the Tories and David Cameron give about the NHS being
safe in their hands there will always be an underlying element of doubt in
their commitment to a permanently free non-profit making national institution.
A permanent doubt as to how safe this key tenet will remain in their hands. In
the minds of the electorate then, if the Tories are to be trusted with their
economic health it is more likely they will trust Labour with their personal wellbeing
and welfare.
That’s the real choice laid out. The
Lib-Dems are blown away fly-boys, the Greens organic bullshit merchants and
Nigel outside some local or other dolled up in tweed and playing the role of
the Great Pretender. Up north though the Scots mean serious business. And if
they give Labour a leg up down south it will only come at a serious price. That
said go make up your minds if you’re able!
As for WHO LOVES YER BABY you can forget
it. That’s
because really none of them do!
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