A Conspiracy of Trash

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Friday 9 January 2015


I’m interrupting the Post I’ve been writing, POLITICIANS SETTING UP STALL, to comment on the immediate media concerns of the moment, the Islamic terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine based in Paris, and the French police. Ten members of the magazine staff including two of its precious cartoon artists shot dead at point blank range by two Muslim hit men armed with semi-automatic machine pistols who knew their names and knew who they were killing. No problem! This wasn’t just a well-planned attack on artists and journalists, it was an attack on the free thinking cultural values of France itself, the country that gave the whole world freedom and liberty, equality and fraternity. Gave all of us in the West a belief in the rightfulness of free expression.

Free expression! Something that the religious faith of Muslims, Islam, abhors and believes it has the right to attack at every opportunity going. Freedom of expression and belief! Something utterly alien to Muslims and their faith who are quite clear in their belief, and let’s not mince words about it, that our own Western cultural values are alien to theirs. And indeed, those of them who are the most dedicated in these beliefs aim to show it by the endless terrorist attacks they have perpetrated against both our civilians and cities from Madrid and London, New York, Rome and Amsterdam in recent decades let alone various atrocities carried out in Asia and Africa from Bombay to Nairobi. Just about anywhere and everywhere will do so long as they’re attacking what they believe to be the Western values that they abhor.

And the values to which they are dedicated? Why, they’re plain and simple enough. No freedom of expression of ANY kind except their own i.e. Islamic and straight from the Koran! No toleration or notion of justice of any kind except theirs, which includes stoning to death, public beheading and the amputation of limbs. No education or rights of any kind for women. No freedoms of any kind except the right of men to practice the Islamic faith and certainly no tolerance of any others under threat of death. In short, no tolerance or respect for the rights of people of any of the countries they happen to live in. Only hatred and contempt.                                                

So how is it one repeatedly wonders, after yet another display of this contempt and Islamic mass murder in the nations of the West, how it is that the politicians of Europe and the United States have allowed countless millions of Muslims whose beliefs are so utterly alien to our own to obtain citizenship of their countries, to take full advantage of our liberal Western values to set up places of worship in which our Western values are daily reviled by their preachers? To set up their own distinct cultural associations and faith schools in which their children are inculcated with values so different to ours? How has this mass Muslim settlement been allowed to happen in which they have established themselves in main as an entirely separate cultural entity, so often hostile to the values of the countries in which they settle. Examples that immediately come to mind are Holland and France, those of Scandinavia and perhaps more than anywhere else, Britain. Today we have the extraordinary situation of so many of the youth of these Muslim families abandoning the countries in which their parents became domiciled and were made welcome,  journeying to the Middle East to receive terrorist training in order to take up arms against the soldiers and civilians of those countries stationed there to protect civilians against Muslim terrorist fanatics.

In other words the children of so many Muslim immigrants to Europe have contemptuously turned their backs on every Western freedom and opportunity they were given and sought to maim and murder those who so generously held out hands in friendship. In this respect, purely from a British perspective, how is it one may rightfully ask, that the Labour Governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown allowed at least two million Muslims to so easily settle in Britain providing them with full rights of citizenship and all those benefits to which British people themselves were naturally entitled? Alongside of this however was a studiously contrived lack of effort to integrate these immigrants into British society while allowing them to retain in full their own very separate religious and cultural identity. Its consequence has been the creation of separate Islamic society within our own British state. Currently many Muslims are insisting on receiving their own Islamic justice through their very distinct and separate Sharia law and in this at least have the ear of the Labour and Liberal Democrat Parties who both have no problem whatsoever in allowing further unchecked mass Muslim immigration into the United Kingdom against the wishes of most British people!   

And a possible result of it all? A serious increase of Muslim terrorist incidents in British cities. This is exactly what happened in France after its war with Algeria when millions of Muslims from North Africa were allowed to settle in that country with the consequence I would suggest of yesterday’s attack on the liberal, democratic values of the French people and the Republic of France. These people aren’t republicans. They have no interest whatsoever in the historical values of the French people. They are Muslims first and foremost and don’t give a shit about the values and rights of anyone else. That is why they attack the humor and satire of France. Theirs is a religion that does not allow them to laugh. To look at things with a critical, questioning, humorous eye. Mockery and humor to them are a criminal offence, especially when it’s directed against themselves and their religion. Yet it is their very own religion that insists that they criticize, denigrate and mock the faith of others. IN OTHER WORDS THEY CAN HAVE FOR THEMSELVES WHAT THEY SO EMPHATICALLY DENY TO ALL OTHERS ON CLEAR PAIN OF DEATH… Because it is so clearly on pain of death that they threaten and harm anyone else except themselves.

That was the murderous message they gave the French people in their attack just a short while ago. An attack on the French people and an attack on their values. Yesterday the Muslim terrorists of France laid down a marker. FROM NOW ON IT’S YOUR VALUES OR OURS.

Right now Friday morning let’s take a further look. The killers, two brothers of Algerian descent, are currently holed up in a small town north of Paris having taken hostages and are surrounded by the French security services. Much more has now been revealed about their background, some of which has come from the United States. One of the brothers was jailed in 2008 for recruiting young French Muslims for terrorist training in Yemen. The other spent time in that country receiving terrorist training and fundamentalist indoctrination by a leading Al Qaeda cleric. Both brothers are Al Qaeda recruits and protégés of an Islamic fanatic. So let’s ask a simple question. If the background of these goons was known then why the hell were they allowed by the French security services to walk the streets of Paris collecting weapons and planning mass murder?

And with a hostage situation in progress it may well be that the killing has only just begun. Unless that is, being so close to Charles de Gaulle Airport, they can persuade the French authorities to give them a plane and fly them out to the Yemen where they’ll no doubt be welcomed as heroes! In Britain we await a copycat repetition of such a situation! Thanks to our Islamic friendly Labour Party and Liberal Democrats.

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