A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 17 August 2013


Some of the main items of news this week dominating the media have been the ongoing situation in Egypt, the attempt by the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Parties to appropriate the will of an elderly spinster left to the Government of the Day to spend as she thought in the national interest and finally the further disgrace of yet another current star of the Coronation Street serial involved in seriously dodgy behaviour.

To Egypt first. As I have already observed in a recent Post the involvement of the media in reporting the news from Egypt, the BBC in particular, has been a litany of almost one sided reporting bias on behalf of the Islamist movement the Muslim Brotherhood in its attempts at an insurrection against the Egyptian Army. What has been ignored, indeed virtually suppressed and covered up is that the Egyptian Army itself acted to depose the Brotherhood’s elected President after countless millions of Egyptians came out onto the streets to protest against his conduct over the last year in attempting to turn their country into an Islamic state. It was on behalf of these many millions of both secular and religious opponents of the Brotherhood that the Egyptian Army acted. However this has now been made to appear as if it was a military operation on behalf of themselves without the backing of anyone. This is a plain lie, made in the interest of the British and American Governments, to distort the truth by separating the just concerns of the military from those of the overwhelming majority of the Egyptian people who as we all saw only recently, came out onto the streets in Cairo, Alexandria and elsewhere to demand the removal of Muslim Brotherhood President, Morsi, and call for new elections.

The bias and plain twisting of truth by the BBC in particular, closely followed by Channel Four and Sky News, on behalf of Egypt’s Muslim fundamentalists, now into burning down Coptic Christian Churches throughout the country, is shameful and shameless. And not a word anymore about the Brotherhood itself being closely allied to and providing support for the Palestinian terrorist organisation Hamas, internationally regarded by the way as such. That’s all been covered up as has been the close links between the Egyptian Army and the millions of people who demonstrated on Tahrir Square in Cairo for the removal of the Islamist President. Indeed, ninety percent of seemingly random interview reporting has been with Brotherhood supporters and members, and the same has applied to panel interview so called ‘guests’.

The BBC and Channel Four, with their well established comprehensively anti-Israel bias have now let their Muslim fundamentalist, anti-secular bias off the leash. The vast majority of those courageous Egyptian people who demonstrated for weeks for their basic democratic political rights have now been downgraded to non-existent status by the British news media on behalf of Foreign Secretary William Hague and the rest of the British Government who by their pro-Islamist stance hope to drag President Obama along with them.

You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing and with respect to the British Broadcasting Corporation, the anti-secularist, Muslim fundamentalist breeze in the air is as disgusting as ever.

Now here’s a real smelly political attempt at a bit of serious thieving. A lady called Joan Edwards left £520,000, practically all her estate, to the Government of the Day to spend as they thought fit. Both the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Parties interpreted this as a donation to themselves, don’t you know, and promptly portioned it out and put the cash in their own Party coffers! It took the Daily Mail to splash this sweet piece of aggrandizement for public interest. Indeed a view could be taken that deliberately misinterpreting the terms of a will for one’s own benefit when the deceased is no longer there to explain and defend their true intentions is plain evil. You might not like everything you read in the Mail but there are times when it gets it seriously right in matters of integrity and decency and its investigative journalism in this matter is to be applauded. Rumour has it that there are many more examples of other bequests to the Nation that are going to now get a second look, hopefully prompted by the Mail defending us against the unashamed rascals in politics.

Finally more Coronation Street Blues. Where are the Good Old Days, people are asking, where nothing ever happened where Derek and Mavis would go on and on about a new sofa and Albert Tatlock would froth about the head on his pint of at the Rovers? Well as most people know, if they can remember, it was never all wine and roses, what with Len Fairclough’s real life off screen naughtiness with kids. Recently however it’s been far more than dirty and dark. Two of the show’s major stars, dear old Ken Barlow and feisty Kevin the Garage Webster implicated in underage off Street sexual entanglements, and now Jack Duckworth’s grandson Tommy exposed in all the national media making evil rap-rape videos wearing a peculiar mask.

Quite frankly given the status of Coronation Street it leaves you wondering what the Meerkats must think of it all. After all, these are pretty straight guys. Immigrants doing their best to get on in life and bringing up their family with best British values. They really don’t need any of this kind of thing!  

Quite frankly it’s difficult to understand why Ken and Kevin have been up to this kind of thing if indeed any of it is true. I mean, come on Ken, didn’t Deidre give you the kind of attention you needed? True, she’d been round the block so many times that it sent your head spinning over the years, but we all thought you were such a nice patient man… And as for you Kevin, doffing up Tyrone’s wife was bad enough, but there was always blonde Sally. Still, I suppose soap audiences really don’t have a clue about what really goes on off the screen.  We’re made to think through magazine gossip that it’s all lovey-dovey or thereabouts and maybe it’s not. Maybe the fact that they’ve all been working so closely together for so many years means they all know each other only too well, and that thespian professionalism masks a mountain of genuine contempt. The public will never really know, unless reality and the police get in behind the drama to provide the mass media with something altogether less pleasant. Some sordid little real life drama all of its own.

Ken Barlow and Kevin Webster had to disappear, temporarily, perhaps permanently, from various ongoing storylines. Everything happening on the Street had to be rearranged, stories manipulated and twisted to work around the disappeared actors without saying too much. In fact without saying anything really. There they were and suddenly they’ve gone. Whole situations manipulated and created round disappeared people. Gone into a serial black hole with vague provisions made for their emergence if they came out Not Guilty in real life. The great script writing trick played on the viewing public is fascinating. And now Tommy Duckworth, hapless boyfriend of Baby-Mule Tina, is front page yellow rag news for stupid, plain stupid indiscretion.

What the hell is it, you people? Isn’t having guaranteed work in your acting profession right at the top with its regular income, media profile and fair future prospects good enough for you so that you have to go and stuff it all up?  

Tommy in trouble means Tina’s also on her way out. Storyline hints were being written in for public consumption weeks back with new lines being prepared. Now it’s back to the fire at the Rovers, Carl and the fat boy! It ought to be fun but it’s a shame really, that the storylines have to keep changing because of the real life indiscretions of the participants. More twists for soap audiences to ingest, more sad scandals for our morally unhealthy, moralizing public to pick up out of the gutter... press.

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