A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 4 May 2013


There’s a new kid on the block called Nigel.
Takes a load of Euro Stick our Nigel.
E’s a man of forthright views,
so e’s often in the news
with ‘is Immigration Blues, is Nigel.

Oh e’ll tell us ‘ow it is, our Nigel.
Just the truth without the fizz, will Nigel.
We’ve a lot to thank ‘im for,
With ‘is voice outside our door
So ‘ere’s to UKIP even more
Good old Nigel.

Now ‘ee says just what ‘ee thinks, does Nigel
To the Euro-mob it stinks, don’t it Nigel
An ‘ees down on immigration
Cos ‘ee wants to serve the nation
All for which our adulation,
Good bloke Nigel!

‘Ee’s not scared to speak ‘is mind, is Nigel,
Tough as any boots you’ll find, our Nigel,
He’ll take all the Tory smears and he’ll talk for twenty years
With a smile round both ‘is ears won’t you Nigel…

So we’ll vote for him and UKIP, one for Nigel.
Not for Cameron the Blue Tit, right on Nigel.
We need a Government that makes sense,
From immigration to defence,
An’ a man who we can trust, like Nigel!

Former Tory working class and underclass voters now voting UKIP aside, the most interesting thing to come out of this recent round of elections is the eye watering collapse of the Liberal Democrats and nowhere is this better seen than in the South Shields by-election where their candidate came seventh, getting only 200 more votes than the Monster Raving Loony Party.

Well how do you like that Mr Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg? Only 200 more votes than the Loony Party in a national by-election! Well it’s often said that it’s bad to speak ill of the dead but in the case of the Liberal Democrats a point can be made to the contrary as there is nothing so pleasing to those who once voted for you to see your gang of opportunistic turds floating away down the sewer into a well-deserved oblivion. The electorate have flushed you down the river of no return so please spare us the drama of trying to crawl your way back up with promises of good things ahead and keeping a check on the Tories. Please! Everyone knows by now that you’re far more right wing than they are!

That said, this post is essentially about the United Kingdom Independence Party which along with its leader has been around the fringe of British politics for quite a while now and going nowhere in purely local terms with their often repeated twin message about the necessity for Britain to leave the European Union and the dangers of uncontrolled, unregulated mass immigration. Their only achievement indeed has been to gain political representation in the European Parliament a few years back. The election results of recent days however have changed everything with an over the board popular vote for the Party of some 25% of the electorate! With a result of some 150 council seats gained they have now clearly emerged from the shadows to be the third force in British politics after Labour and the Tories.

This emergence however, despite what their many opponents may argue, is not sudden at all and is particularly acute given the many attacks made on them by leading members of the Conservative Party including David Cameron along with an alleged campaign to smear individual members with a racist taint. On the contrary, UKIP has been powerfully lodged in the background awaiting circumstances to arise which would hugely enhance its dual message, make it ring like a bell and bring it home to the public.


All the circumstances of the Party’s long warning to the British electorate have now suddenly come home to roost. Firstly, with the recent rapid economic, financial and social collapse of some of the EU’s key member states, a major export market for British products, possibly the main reason for this country remaining in the organisation, has suddenly been removed. Secondly, with Britain signed up to its regulations governing the free movement of labour, it finds itself unable to prevent the potentially unlimited movement of people from East Europe into this country. A million or more Poles arrived in the first decade of the 21st century with the blessing of the Labour Party while in the next couple of years, three quarters of a million more economic migrants are due to arrive from Rumania and Bulgaria into a situation of growing youth unemployment and serious adult under-employment here at home which UKIP rightly say creates an untenable situation.

In both areas of EU membership and immigration the Party is universally criticized by established figures from all sides of the political spectrum as racist, lunatic, fruitcakes and more, with their views denigrated, ridiculed and endlessly maligned. Interesting indeed when most of those who engage in such conduct have been responsible for policies which have caused such collapse and ruin in the financial sector of the British economy along with widespread poverty, unemployment and social deprivation in tandem with a major attack on the social welfare system. Perhaps these ‘critics’ should look to themselves and their recent claims for Parliamentary ‘expenses’ a little more than berate the voice of a Party whose message strikes such a powerful chord of realism and common sense.

True enough. Is that, then, why its critics raise their voice with such a predominant sense of fear? That they might be genuinely afraid of people hearing this message as plain common sense. That there is now no longer any economic heaven for British manufacturers and exporters in Europe because many of its member states are now bankrupt or close to… and that countless numbers of its poorest citizens will undoubtedly head this way seeking a better life at the expense of the already seriously hard pressed British taxpayer.

UKIP’s insistent message to leave Europe comes after decades of political refusal by Labour and Conservative governing parties to allow the British people any say or voice in the matter. Promises have been made and hints have been given but to date this ‘say’ this ‘voice’ has been denied because it has long been clear that the British people do not want their country to be part of  the European Community. They see no benefit to themselves from such membership and rightly!   

UKIP’s message then has resounded with an increasingly loud urgency in the ears of the British people as plain common sense on the one hand while on the other has been met with plain ridicule from the established political class who virtually all talk the same language or else a deafening silence. Even worse, the barriers of a nasty self-righteous morality have now been erected by the whole liberal-left political spectrum so that to want to even talk about let alone critically discuss any form of immigration policy is immediately termed racist or fascist. IF YOU WANT TO TALK OR ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT POLICIES OF UNRESTRICTED IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED KINGDOM THEN YOU IMMEDIATELY BECOME A RACIST OR FASCIST. That’s the kind of ground that’s been put up for  you to even ask questions on by people who have, quite frankly, exactly the same kind of hard core reactionary mentality they accuse UKIP supporters of having, and here, let me immediately say, that I’m neither a UKIP member or supporter.

After this recent election Nigel Farage is now clearly even more a man of the people. A determined populist who takes every photo opportunity to be seen down at the pub enjoying a pint with friends and well wishers or walking down the street smoking a cigarette. He’s an absolutely perfect fit for the gigantic credibility gap that’s opened up between tens of millions of hard pressed British people from the lower middle class down to the underclass and politicians from the three main Parties now collectively perceived as uncaring, distant and semi-corrupt. Feathering their own nest and those of their wealthy friends at the expense of everyone else and furthermore and absolutely unpardonable, refusing them the right to have their say about Europe, especially Europe, and also unlimited mass immigration. And into this gap steps the charming, dapper no-nonsense wordster Nigel Farage who won’t be talked over or humbled by television interviewers or smart-arsed pundits but will, absolutely will, have his say.

There’s just no smearing him or putting him down. He’s earnest and irrepressible and his following is growing all the time. He says what people need to hear. Others who’ve ‘let them down’ and made their lives harder all say the same thing, and that’s mostly true, but not Nigel! He says what they think. That all the politicians they once put their faith in have let them down… but he won’t! He’s smooth and he’s dapper and definitely the kind of man you can trust. He’s against all this ‘political correctness’ (as labeled by populist former Nazi-supporting newspapers like the Daily Mail), which was initially meant to be something about plain decency in the way that people related to one another but was instead turned into something rigid and nasty by the fascists of the left… believes that people should be allowed to smoke in pubs, that the NHS needs more doctors and nurses and less managers and bureaucrats… And seems to talk common sense about a whole number of things!

Yes, and he’s got followers and Party members with a good social attitude and who do voluntary work in the community like cleaning out public toilets and doing shopping for disabled pensioners. It’s UKIP’s new public image as a Caring Party, a Party of the People, and seen as such and often as possible on national television. The Party now has a new Caring brand. Nigel now seen everywhere talking plain common sense while Party members and followers daily doing good deeds, a bit like overgrown scouts.

No-one can fight against that kind of thing. Cameron and his Eton boy Tories tied up with swindling City financiers, crooked bankers and meat substitution jack the lads… Clegg and the Lib Dems hooked into the greedy energy companies, political correctness run riot and countless gay scandals, and last but not least, the Millipede, increasingly looking like Florence the Snail in The Magic Roundabout, making promises with his hands that mean just about nothing in the face of urgent solutions required… All of them vague, inconsequential and trivial when stood against the smiling whirlwind of UKIP and Nigel Farage who says what he means and means what he says. Today 25% of the popular vote; soon in the elections for the European Parliament possibly forty to sixty.

UKIP and Nigel are clearly going places in British politics.  On the up and up with your vote if that’s what you want, or do you? In bad or desperate situations sometimes it’s better to stop and think before letting something that looks good turn into a bandwagon that can’t be stopped, and then you’ll find your into something you really don’t like the look of but can’t get out of. Something you put there only to discover it’s turned into something unexpected and nasty. With consequences you never expected and a situation you never really wanted at all. A bit like Germany in the 1920s and early thirties! So you’d better think hard and be serious about the face you might choose, less it turns into a monster that consumes you.

Finally please note. Every political product comes with a warning.

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