A Conspiracy of Trash

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Friday 15 March 2013


Whenever there’s serious evil going on in the world where the Catholic Church has a religious grip on the population you’ll always hear one sound more than any other… a deafening silence! Locally, country to country, say Argentina for example, where a vicious military dictatorship murdered tens of thousands of innocent people in the 70s and 80s, a deafening silence! And from the Vatican, the Catholic Church’s world centre, absolutely nothing during that time. They let it all pass without a word. On a much wider scale there are many examples of such a strange silence in recent history – the worst being the Holocaust – and countless more if you go back in time, say 600 years, to the conquest of Central and South America by Spain and Portugal backed up by the Vatican’s army of Catholic Evangelicals, the Society of Jesus.   

With regard to Latin America, all you’ve got to do is take a look at the endless loot of gold, silver and precious stones piled up in the cathedrals of Spain, Portugal and Italy to get the material side of the picture, and if you want to see more visit the Vatican Museum. The religion of love and forgiveness started collecting well over a thousand years back. However the real treasure’s far greater than that! As the Church of St Peter began moving through human history and territories all over the globe it was busy converting the natives. Like some grand army of ghouls it’s been picking up people. Engaged in the collection of souls.

Let’s look more closely. First Europe. Before Christianity was officially established by Constantine in 4th century Rome the Empire was dominated by rival forms of paganism, one of which was Epicureanism, part of the ancient intellectual heritage of Greece that taught comradeship and the fellowship of human beings. It was also responsible for developing the science of atomic motion! There was also the Stoicism of Emperors such as Marcus Aurelius. With the coming of the new faith and the rise of the Church these beliefs disappeared under a wave of intolerance and persecution. Over the next thousand years Christianity spread throughout Europe, suppressed outright slavery and promulgated the subjection of the rural peasantry to a military land owning class. In a word feudalism. During this period and the following three centuries the main religious grouping suppressed were the Jews. They were initially looted and butchered during the Crusades and later strictly confined to specific areas in cities, the first being the Ghetto of Venice, then expelled from country to country, one being England where they were murdered and robbed wholesale under Edward I. After this came the horrendous Catholic Inquisitions in 15th century Spain and Portugal. All officially set up and certified by the Popes of the Vatican.

The forcible conversion, torture, murder and expulsion of Spain’s large Jewish population was its first official Holocaust. The official imprisonment of Jews who fled elsewhere in Europe its second. The Jews, however, were only a first experiment. A necessary persecution of those upon whom the Church of Rome attached a collective guilt. A blanket condemnation of murderers and killers of Christ. Interestingly enough this condemnation still persists in the minds of countless numbers of Catholics and other Christians today. I heard it myself at a school where I taught not long ago!

In tandem with the persecution of the Jews by the Vatican during the Medieval Period was its persecution of women. Hundreds of thousands throughout Europe were tortured or burned at the stake for no other reason than the fact that they were intelligent, independent minded perhaps, or refused to go along with priestly or religious demands. The only women safe anywhere were the wives of the rich while countless numbers of the poor were forced or cajoled into Convents to have their heads shaved, become Brides of the Church and provide cheap pastoral labour. A parallel scandal of this kind was recently exposed in Ireland where countless numbers of vulnerable young women, with the complicity of the Irish State, were detained and forced to work for nothing in Church laundries from the 1920s. The priests, bishops and Cardinals must have known of this practice yet from the Church only a deafening silence! Strange when the Vatican holds   a single women, the mother of Jesus, to be its pre-eminent saint yet prefers keeping most of the rest poor, ignorant and pious. Dressed in black and forever lighting a candle.

The horrors of 15th century Spain and Portugal referred to above were only a dress rehearsal for something far bigger, namely the plundering military expeditions of conquest against the indigenous Indian Empires of Central and South America begun by Pizarro and Cortez. Looting and murder went hand in hand with forcible mass conversion of whole peoples who worshipped other gods. The Aztecs of Mexico and Incas of Peru were first mercilessly brutalized then converted to the faith of love of ‘god’s son’ by an army of the military righteous, the priests of Jesus himself, the Society of Jesus.

The organisers of this Latin American Holocaust shipped home the loot and left the conquered peoples to the determined no-nonsense pastoral care of their new spirit guides, the Vatican’s new roving priesthood. They did their work well. Over the next five hundred years they captured the souls and gained the trust of hundreds of millions from the United States border all the way down to Chile and established themselves as the official religion of love. Easy-peasy. Well not quite! Initially the native Indians resisted from one thousand miles to the next but were always put down over the centuries by their new Spanish and Portuguese masters who institutionalized the teaching of Catholic doctrine in schools. The treasures gone, this was now a battle for hearts as a prerequisite to enslavement on the endless sugar, coffee and tobacco plantations. And all the way down the centuries, the only sound from the Popes of the Vatican, the so-called inheritors of the teachings of Jesus, was silence!

Early in the 19th century armies of bandits led by crusading generals became the norm throughout Latin America. One of these is typified by General de Rosas of Argentina who, with the silence of the Vatican playing an overture in the background, wiped out the entire population of the country’s native Indians and became military dictator. The relationship between the Vatican and the dictators of 19th century Central and South America is a whole subject for study but the trend is always the same; institutional religious indoctrination hand in hand with an endlessly brutal suppression of labour, the official representatives of the Catholic Church, of the Vatican itself always silent. Of course, there was always ‘compassion’ for the suffering though it never went any further than silent prayer or the blissful ministration of the holy biscuit to the poor. Silence was always maintained and through tradition and a desperate universal ignorance the poor kept coming to worship.

The spell was first challenged in Latin America with the great Mexican peasant revolution of the early 20th century during which, for a period of three decades, the grip of the church on the minds of the people was broken and Catholicism officially suppressed. The reaction of the Vatican was initially sorrow rapidly followed by outright condemnation and excommunication. In Europe however its fortunes took a turn for  the better! The takeover of Italy in 1922 by Mussolini’s fascists was met with more than a welcome. In Spain during the 1930’s a Spanish anti-Catholic Republican Government met with open Vatican hostility and condemnation. During the Civil War that followed the Vatican lent its support to the fascist General Franco who emerging victorious, continued his long term campaign of atrocities against Republican supporters and sympathizers with a brutal suppression of large numbers of the population. He was supported throughout by the vast majority of Spain’s bishops and priests acting under orders from Rome and in turn rewarded the Church by formally embedding Catholicism as the state institution of formal education par excellence. Fascism and the Catholic Church operated hand in glove until the dictator’s death four decades later. Not a murmur from the Vatican about the endless atrocities that led up to the Second World War.

As for Hitler’s rise to power in the early thirties, the suppression of democracy and bloody persecution of all opposition, the emergence of an absolute dictatorship based on race, the setting up of concentration camps and the passing of the Nuremberg Race Laws, there was barely a murmur of disapproval from Pius XII. The same went for the murder of millions of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, political opponents and the mentally disabled that followed. The Pope and the Vatican never stood up and spoke out. It’s been claimed that they were powerless to do anything and might themselves have come under attack but such excuses are simply disgusting. They preferred instead to remain silent. Their possible influence among Germany’s large population of Catholics unheard. What is not in dispute is that in the years following the end of the War, Vatican officials provided an escape conduit from Europe for many Nazi War Criminals to South America while during the conflict itself, Catholic bishops in Slovakia and elsewhere formally assisted in setting up concentration camps for the murder of Jews.

During a period of three decades then in Europe, the Vatican was an institution of collaboration and silence. Painful silence, possibly prayer!

Today in Europe, with the demise of Soviet Stalinism in the east, the Catholic Church is again all powerful in Poland and the Baltic States with an iron grip on the hearts of its people. Of course there’s always the seemingly endless affection Italians have for their ‘Bishop of Rome’ even if the title’s only something the Vatican gives itself! However such affection is certainly now the case in Mexico but also Brazil and through much of Central and Latin America. At the same time the Catholic Church has steadily increased its following everywhere in Africa except the Muslim north. In short, despite continuing revelations of the inappropriate behaviour of its clergy high and low, its treatment of women, its financial scandals and ever increasing enrichment, its influence continues to grow everywhere among the poorest centres of population and lowest concentrations of literacy in all the above areas.         

The last few weeks has seen the Catholic Church firmly back in the news. The ghastly revelations of sexual impropriety and shocking history of institutional exploitation of women in Ireland hasn’t dimmed the faith of its followers or their love for their spiritual leader the Pope a single iota. Candles will continue to be lit and prayers fervently said by women in black the world over and fridge magnets, snow shakers and other holy souvenirs bought by tourists. The Catholic Church souvenir industry run by the Vatican is vast! The established faith of the poor Jewish preacher who rode into town on a donkey has been set up for 1700 years and its machinery’s running like clockwork. It’s in the business of preaching a faith and harvesting souls but who knows what the man really believed? He was an orthodox Jew, that’s for sure. Believed in celebrating the Sabbath and Exodus from Egypt and may well have been married with kids. He was a broadminded man and certainly liked women.

The Catholic Church doesn’t do that kind of thing. It’s only got his mother in mind. Hundreds of years later the Church of St Peter turned him into the son of God and so made him celibate. It had to be done to make up the myth. Their myth. Their institution to suit. Forget his biology. He wasn’t interested in girls, same as  holy church fathers! Even so readers he was born a man first. As for the Vatican, hundreds of thousands of their bishops and priests the world over have to make themselves live unnaturally. Like having an erection is a sin against God! If you can’t control it my son you’ll be kicked out of College. Really! Why go through all that hell to be unnatural? Does it really deserve our respect? Are they really doing it for us? Who are really the sinners?

One final point. The influence of faith or adherence to it is by no means lasting or uniform. In Ireland, after eight hundred years of St Patrick, with most of its population during that time illiterate yet firmly devoted, things are beginning to change following recent scandals and revelations. The age old trust of the faithful in their priest has begun to crack and a cracked mirror can’t be repaired. There’s now a distortion and a distorted reflection makes people think. They might not like what they see and want to push the image aside but they can’t. They’re not sure what they see anymore. The old certainty’s gone and they can’t get it out of their minds. Something’s changed. Maybe for the first time they’re beginning to think and the crack’s getting wider. They see something else and they don’t like it. Next thing they’ll start asking questions. It’s already happening in Ireland and among the youth in Portugal and Spain. The unemployed youth of Europe are waking up and they won’t join the priesthood no more!

Postscript: Immediately prior to the publication of this Post a Vatican spokesman, Federico Lombardi, has according to BBC News denied that the new Pope, Francis 1st, ‘failed to speak out against human rights abuses during military rule in his native Argentina’… “There has never been a credible, concrete accusation against him,” he said, ‘adding he had never been charged’. According the BBC Report the Vatican spokesman ‘blamed the accusations on’… “anti-clerical left wing elements that are used to attack the Church.”

If correct the statements made by the spokesman are extraordinary. Firstly the use of the word ‘charge’ is unclear. Presumably he means civil criticism or condemnation rather than any form of legal procedure though any denial of the former is on shaky ground. Much more important is blaming accusations on anti-clerical left wing elements. This is an old and well used blanket slur used by the Vatican to condemn all forms of criticism i.e. blame it on anti-clerical socialists, and was much in evidence during the time of the Spanish Civil War in support of the fascists.

It is certainly possible to be anti-clerical without being left wing or a socialist. It is likewise possible to be a socialist without being anti-clerical. Many devout Catholics are! The fact that the Vatican conflates the two is indicative of a deeply reactionary posture, well established over time to defend itself against endless criticism that it has only too often sided with established authority, taking the side of the rich and powerful against that of the poor.

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