A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Saturday 13 October 2012


If you look at the faces of people who attend Conservative Party Conferences, whether men or women, young or old, British, Asian or African, they all seem to have a strange mad look about them. Staring eyes in thin mean faces indicating a semi-neurotic punitive disposition for which Tories of this ilk are famous i.e. don’t fine them for stealing a bottle of water, they’re serious criminals so lock them away, or better still send them in irons to Australia.

Others with this weird disposition have it in plumper fleshier faces. They’ve still got those eyes though! Not  quite as bunged up with venomous intent for their main objects of hate, such as union leaders or student demonstrators, this species of Tory is far more into populist bluster and malevolent carping about human rights ‘indulgencies’ and ‘old leftie’ radicalism, all of which is hidden away under a good natured bonhomie.

Boris Johnson is an excellent specimen of this kind of Tory pond life. A hearty good-natured fellow full of witty good natured banter packed with spontaneous effervescence. As irrepressible as a pumped up schoolboy. All of it waiting to be launched at the right place and the right time for the right occasion. One that will catch the fundamentalist mood and deliver the most telling swipes at the right people for the right purpose. That said he’s a natural star at any annual conference of the faithful.

Politicians of this kind generally come with physical attributes to wrap their sentiment around. Iconic populist bluster is founded on iconic appearance. A little black moustache and piercing eyes… a tendency to stick out your chin and bang your chest, or a calculated suave condescension. Thus Hitler, Mussolini and Margaret Thatcher! Boris Johnson, indeed, has some of his own. A splendid head of white-blond hair and strange roaming eyes in an insouciant face that seems ready to smile or have a good chuckle at just about any moment he pleases. It’s quite undeniable, almost like he’s really enjoying himself. That said you’ve only got to watch a performance to find yourself being struck with the idea, at the deepest psychological level, that he’s actually quietly laughing at everything he’s saying. Almost as though he finds it all ludicrous.

This can only mean one of two things. Either he’s totally on top of his subject matter and in complete control of its delivery to an already receptive audience, or that his personality is such that he simply can’t take any of it seriously, i.e. in the serious manner required by those looking for a hard-nosed leader. And yet there he is, throwing out wild spontaneous asides and swiping at favourite bogeymen that in seconds have the faithful rapturously eating out of his hand.

Currently he’s a one-off. Full of seemingly disparate incoherence, he makes it all come together as a blustering performance that is uniquely himself. Simply Boris!

“I’m not here to defend privilege, I’m here to spread it,” David Cameron said in his Tory Conference speech, knowing only too well that 98% of the British people simply never get close enough to have a sniff and never will, unlike he and his ultra-privileged comrade in arms Boris Johnson who both drew it in deep at Eton, one becoming a Prime Minister the other Lord Mayor of London.

The topic of this post is the second, a man with an easily identifiable persona and perfectly matching style as a combative blusterer. Nothing is unidirectional with him. His speeches come in bits, asides that are rarely connected with everything going off at a tangent. If fact, each bit is at a tangent to everything else except the one central component, an engaging effusive delivery reeking of bluster. This effusive quality is the central core of his personality. One he’s carefully crafted over the years into a formidable political weapon, endearing itself to voters and turning him into a unique political species of being.

His ‘public’ especially like him for his seeming bumbling incoherence, his political disjointedness. The fact that with his permanently insouciant smile he never appears to take anything seriously. They particularly like him for that because they themselves are no longer inclined to take politicians or politics seriously, especially after revelations concerning the horrendous shortcomings of Members of Parliament in the Expenses Scandal and the recent broken promises of Nick Clegg. However as endearing as his blustering political incoherence may be, it also masks a populist right wing agenda and serious resolve. As an old Etonian he has no time for organised labour and why should he? He can understand nothing of the making ends meet, daily struggles of the poor except from his distant elevated position of privilege. Yet none of this detracts from his popularity. Perhaps it’s because he’s made politics fun and maybe most people simply don’t care anymore.

The electorate of London who only a few years ago voted him mayor did so over a candidate with far greater political experience and an altogether more sympathetic manner towards working people and the poor. Ken Livingston’s demeanour had always been more serious than that of his rival yet voters rejected him despite his many achievements. He was made to look grey, humourless and lefty by a London media and business campaign against which the irascible blond blusterer was altogether more fun. Indeed, the personality of the challenger became more important than the politics of the incumbent and won the day.

Later, the high spring tide of Toryism that followed Labour’s ignominious ebb brought blustering Boris in on the flood and it didn’t take him long to become muscular joy-boy to the constituency faithful in every dark corner of Essex. Yes he was the populist spur ready to lay into the otherwise beloved leader should he ever go over indulgent with Clegg. Meanwhile both will keep firing epithets of admiration at one another across party lines. One has the constituencies and the Daily Mail on his side, the other Cabinet loyalty and possibly Murdoch. The two old public school chums detest one another despite the smiles but keep it well under wraps. Someone’s got to pay for the Crisis and there’s still much dirty work to be done. Besides, a ship can only have one Captain!

Either way, with either one at the helm the voyage ahead will be hell! That’s because neither of them are very nice people. But then, neither are any of the Liberal Democrats and likewise the creatures of One Nation Labour who’ve glibly thrown out everything decent the Labour Party ever stood for… help and welfare for those who need it most in our society. That’s the way things have become. You don’t know who anyone is these days when everyone in each party is beginning to sound like everyone else over a fence and all of them waving the flag, banging the patriotic drum like the scoundrels they are and making no promises to anyone desperately struggling to make ends meet.

Yes, they’re all in it together. They all look the same and sound the same with the Tories trying to strike bluer than Labour and the Liberal Democrats yellow all over. Everyone that is except blustering Boris. He just blusters away busily saying nothing. That’s why he’s loved! If you try to think of anything important he’s said than you’ll try a long time. That’s why the party faithful love him. He keeps them busy. Keeps them on their toes thinking about whether anything he said actually means anything. In that sense he’s discovered the real secret at the heart of British politics. That nobody cares what you say because whatever it is nobody really believes you. No point wasting your words then. Just smile insouciantly and say whatever comes into your head!

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