A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 19 May 2012


As a market trader with an interest in minerals, crystals and healing energies I well know the excitement, the almost magical effect that the word Sugilite has on the most orthodox adepts of the faith let alone believers whose numbers are counted in millions all over the planet. The very name is a matter of reverence. Spoken in hushed tones and with all due respect. It is such a wonderfully innervating thing that if only to write of it here I deem a humble privilege.

I hope then that I may be forgiven if I begin this blog for those not already initiated and pray that others to whom much of the following is already well known will give me their understanding.

The first specimen of this extraordinary mineral was discovered only as late as l944 by the illustrious Japanese geologist Kenichi Sugi, its location still partly shrouded in secrecy. It was soon identified as a rare potassium, sodium, lithium, iron-manganese aluminium silicate and is nearly always massive, lumpy in form, though its crystals when found are prized by healers beyond avarice.

For healers its Chakras gift to the 3rd Eye, 6th; Crown 7th; Transpersonal and Etheric, 8th all the way through to the 14th. Its power is immediately effective with an extraordinarily high degree of vibration. Key to its elemental force is its capacity for intervention in, and the interpretation of dreams where its guidance is profound, its Spiritual Protection and purification becoming what is essentially a glowing beacon of light. Its element, as is well known, is Wind and its colour range, from pale lilac to deep purple, is enchanting. Those who have seen it will never forget. Those who possess it…

There are many who come to the stall seeking to discuss it or simply to talk. Sugilite! They know the name. Maybe their lives have been affected just by knowing it, let alone possessing a precious pendant. It is indeed a talking point and occasionally people congregate, joining together just to share their experience. They ask questions. Have I seen any? Have I myself felt its vibration and power? Their desire to know is immense. Their curiosity insatiable.

The words come fast and I, as ever, respond with patience and forthrightness. A respect for those whose secret longing, whose cherished goal, is to reach out and touch infinity. Yes, I have seen it. A mineral of wondrous resonance and beauty. Have I ever sold it. Only rarely and yes, I know of its power!

Those then are the facts. Indeed, so much is known, and yet, hidden at the heart of its story is the inner secret of the prize. Where it comes from… How much of it is there left in the world and of course, the ultimate question… The secret of its power.

I am often asked for its origin and where I get my supply. These questions raise complex moral issues. Those of security, of confidentiality, and perhaps a desire above all, for the protection of those who risk everything to bring it before a wider public through channels such as myself. There is only one place I know of anywhere in the world where the gem grade quality of the stone may be found. It lies in a seam hidden within a narrow band of rock close to a lake. The discovery of the mineral outcrop was purely a matter of chance and explains why mineral collectors, using scientific analysis, have despite their best efforts, failed to locate it. In short it shouldn’t have been where it was.

And yet there is something else to relate. Its discovery was indeed the product of an entirely different form of reasoning. A thought process as valid as any other and its discoverer an adept and explorer in those uncharted, intuitive seas. Here is part of what he told me. All I am willing to tell. The seam is located at a precise intersection of two ley lines on a point somewhere off a mountain range in Central Africa whose valleys are as yet unexplored. The situation is complicated by local volcanism in the proximity of a dangerous geological fault in the region. Obtaining Sugilite is therefore currently hazardous in the extreme.

There is an additional matter that I should remark on. Those at the centre of the healing fraternity, people I cannot name, have now fixed the energy of Sugilite precisely at the Twelfth Power. If correct, and I have no reason to doubt, this is truly extraordinary. As far as I know, speaking with the authoritative voice of science, it is possessed only within the hottest stars found in our Galaxy, the Blue Super-giants such as Rigel and Sirius.     

This said, it takes no great leap of the imagination to consider that at a time not so far distant, when the technology has been created for harnessing such power, its crystals will be incorporated in specially built generators bringing heat and light to great cities. And thinking further afield, it may yet be demonstrated that they will power the engines of vast ships, create the dream of warp drive and take mankind towards its destiny out into the universe.

But for now, returning to the present, enthusiasts who come to the stall press me ever again for the source of my supplies. I tell them it’s a personal matter. That I have a visitor from Africa. They acknowledge in a spirit of love and of peace. Far more important is the immense healing power of the stone. Clearly it derives from its earth siting… at the intersection of the two ley lines where the elemental force of the middle earth is concentrated and liberated… Kenichi Sugi’s original deposit confirms this from its position at the same kind of junction in the Far East. Power taken from the spiritual centre radiates across the planet. Now that people understand why, they will accept.

As for myself, I feel that whenever Sugilite is spoken of there is always that inevitable communion between those who delight in the mutual understanding of its wonders. I rarely have any to sell but when I do it’s over a hundred times the price I pay for it. Especially after I’ve finished talking!

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