A Conspiracy of Trash

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Friday 20 March 2015


Three little Muslim schoolgirl maidens run off from their homes in England in a carefully calculated plan to become brides of Islamic terrorist killers in the so called Islamic State situated in northern Iraq and Syria. So what is it with the background these children come from and what is it with these three children themselves that they should scheme to run off? Leave their parents and everything they know for a headlong rush and commitment to religious barbarism and savagery? For a commitment to men they don’t know; for a commitment to a way of life that will forever identify them with brutality and horror.

What is it with these three little girls to make them want to turn their backs on everything decent they ever knew and make them willing accomplices to a way of life so utterly alien to everything that we British people can understand? Clearly they don’t see it that way and quite frankly they’d never accept what they’ve done as some kind of adventure or other. What they do see it as, I think, is their own personal commitment to a true expression of their faith Not as an extreme or an extremist extension but as the truth.

So what actually led them to this? Well even if they grew up and were educated in Britain there couldn’t have been that many values in their heads one might normally associate with our way of life I would suggest. Indeed if anything had filled their heads at all it would have come from their Muslim religious beliefs; from their Islamic faith. Throughout their education then, throughout the time they interacted with their friends at school and the wider society in which they lived, everything else that we might call British must have passed them by. The Muslim faith of their families and the Muslim values and beliefs of their immediate parental background and Muslim community clearly shaped their thoughts and dominated their mentality above everything else. And the same is almost certainly true for all the many hundreds of other so called British Muslim youths who have left their homes in the United Kingdom to run off and pledge themselves to barbarous people and barbarous practices.

It is most definitely not a situation of grooming or indoctrination we’re looking at here. Like these children and youths were some kind of ideological virgins or other. On the contrary their Muslim upbringing of faith and values in a relatively closed community structure had already indoctrinated them. Prepared their way for a practical leap of commitment, so little else was needed to take them just that small simple step further; deceive their parents and take a plane to an Islamic paradise! After all if they’d read in the Koran that all Jews are pigs and all those not of the Muslim faith are dogs and they get a regular unchecked daily dose of these views, it takes little imagination to see where this will lead them or indeed how their minds would be conditioned. That said their rushing off to associate with Islamic State terrorists and butchers may not be so far-fetched an action and one not so difficult to understand as many might think!

Oh we just can’t understand why they did it… They were such nice girls too… the cry from their parents goes up accompanied by the whole spectrum of apologists from the BBC and Channel 4 to the Guardian. You know how it is… what these nice girls did, what those chaps doing the beheading are… why it’s all  our fault… We British are responsible for it all or better still it’s all the fault of British foreign policy. Better still it’s all the fault of the Jews and Britain supporting Israel; those Jews behind everything as usual. And with this kind of ignorant rationale the Left or should I say the markedly anti-Semitic Left these days puts it all on the Jews. Actually you’ve only got to listen to Hitler’s speeches to hear much the same thing!

Well actually it’s not the fault of the British people or their Government or even the Jewish people that “such nice girls” rush off like that or why so many Muslim youths fly out to join terrorists, get caught by the Turks and sent back home. But it is our fault when our nice Mister Policemen have a little chat with them then let them back out on the streets maybe so they can stab British soldiers to death.

So why are so few of these Muslim youths who grew up in Britain and were educated here so little interested in our British way of life, in our politics, in beliefs such as socialism, in our trades unions, in workers’ rights, in science and the arts so that they won’t rush off and murder on behalf of Islamic extremism? Why is that?

Well better go and ask Tony Blair because he and his New Labor Government allowed Islamic fundamentalist preachers every opportunity to help form their views, protecting them by the police while they were spewing out their filthy racist hate sermons. Now wasn’t that true Mister Blair?  But then equally unforgiveable, what real effort if any was made by our British politicians to ensure that the millions of Muslim immigrants and their children received a serious background education in our British values customs, in our British way of life? And what real effort was made to help them integrate into our way of life? Actually very little was done. Instead they were allowed to form their own separate communities, operate their own Muslim faith schools and cultural centers in which the culture of their countries of origin would be reinforced. So why was no attempt made to help them acquire the cultural values of their new home? The answer is simple enough. Nothing was done to appease the notion of multiculturalism and the screwball army of multiculturalists on the liberal left of British politics who have always hated the idea of what may best be described as Britishness. These people actually detested the idea of being British. They wanted the British people to be something else so the five million wave of Muslim immigration from south-east Asia was allowed to do as it pleased and go its own way with no consideration for the consequences.

And we are living with these consequences right now with the recent terrorist murder of a soldier on our streets, endless attacks by Muslims on Jews and British Muslim children leaving Britain in a headlong rush for terrorist training in the middle-east. All of this has only one place to go. It will break out onto the streets of our country with a vengeance. So much for the wretched ill conceived notion of multiculturalism fostered by the Left and swallowed wholesale by the entire liberal establishment of politicians, church and intelligentsia. Soon it will come home alright. Come out at night and take a chunk out of their sorry arses!

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