A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Tuesday 24 March 2015


Jeremy Clarkson’s a bit like Marmite. Either you love him or hate him. There’s no middle way! And right now Jezza, as he’s known to his adoring fans, is in serious trouble. The presenter of Top Gear stuck one on the producer of his BBC television show for giving him and his mates a derisory offering of food after they’d come out of a local pub hoping for something a bit more substantial than a Waitrose Scotch Egg and brown bread cheese sandwich. For hard mechanical man Jezza it was the BBC pansy liberal establishment taking the piss in offering up crud to him and his fellow horny handed sons of motoring after they’d already put him on a number of warnings for past indelicate language and attitudes and the snack fodder was now the last straw! Result, he and his program have been suspended while an official investigation is underway.

Meantime a million of his and his program’s admirers have signed a petition of support for the man demanding that he be restored to his rightful place on the throne of television motoring. A million signatures gained in a matter of days. Now I appreciate that the man’s initials are J.C. but really! Is his fame and status really coterminous with the divine? A short answer to this is that in the minds of his many admirers and supporters, possibly yes! So what is it then with Jeremy Clarkson and exactly what does he represent to gain the dedication of such a wide following. I mean, if Einstein, Freud, Leonardo da Vinci or Moses had dropped themselves in the shit by losing it like that would they have got a million people signing a petition on their behalf. Not on your life! What then does the man stand for we should ask?

Let’s look at it coldly. Top Gear is a program dedicated to motoring and cars. To everything about cars from design, engines and mechanics to automotive performance and maybe above all, to speed! It’s a program that combines ideas with the practical experience of driving and testing the various vehicles it talks about and has a close on screen visceral dialogue with both its stage audience and its many millions of viewers. More important than anything else perhaps, it is a program that’s emotionally set in a man’s world and despite its large female following it falls within what is essentially the male prerogative. Motoring, mechanics, oil, dirty hands and speed are manly things. And things that many men think really ought to stay manly. Indeed it is one of the few preserves left in a fast changing world that still remains masculine. A part of the masculine domain. An essential part of what many men might see as their fast dwindling domain!

This I think is the real meaning and importance of Top Gear and the world that Jeremy Clarkson represents. And it is a world that is perhaps full of fear! A changing world where the old certainties of men and their roles are vanishing piecemeal. Being encroached on bit by bit by things that were once alien to that world but not anymore. Machines and speed that were once the preserve of men, working men, are part of a world now facing a challenge. An emotional empire where the old certainties are being eroded, like a man’s place in it for example. It always used to be men who knew about mechanics and machines, about speed and fast driving, not women! It was a conservative unchanging world of old certainties and definitely not women or any liberal lefty values of liberation. A world in which a man’s place was established and where women knew theirs! Women did the cooking and brought up the kids. Men did the work and knew about machines. Simples! Only now the old certainties, the old distinctions are coming to be blurred. Like sexuality no longer being clear cut and strange gender issues pushing their way forward along with feminist pushiness attacking virtually everything male.

Men in general under threat and along with it the man’s role watered down under the influence of liberalism writ large. So much of everything in what was once the accepted world of men being watered down or attacked That being the case, everything distinctly masculine that remains all the more treasured as a last bastion, a last redoubt. This is indeed the world that Top Gear represents and what Jezza Clarkson stands for as its bluff, masculine no-nonsense presenter. Its main man of men. He is its touchstone. The tough forthright hero of this man’s world to millions of men and women who love being part of speed and machines. He is its symbol, especially to his mass audience on television. Its living spirit par excellence. Its counterpoint to a namby-pamby world where men spray themselves with some perfumed stink after a workout at the gym rather than take a cold soapy shower. A place where men the smell of grease and Swarfega is masculine rather than some wretched underarm ladies’ gel.

Jeremy Clarkson represents mechanical finesse and expertise in a man’s world that unites technology, art and power. We’re talking about traditional mechanical-automative engineering here, not media studies and sociology, or computer messing around with Facebook chatting or texting. We’re talking metal and rubber engineered into power, and beer and pubs where people meet, not dodgy dating agencies. Jezza represents a world of the recent past determined to stay in the present which is what so many men and women emotionally like. The power and strength of all the old certainties that combat a genuine anxiety brought on by corrosive change! It’s a world of barbecued meat, not veggies and Quorn. Inhabited by men with jaws full of meat-tearing teeth! So when Clarkson ruefully casts himself as someone old fashioned, as a dinosaur to use his own word, he’s hitting the nail on the head. A man out of step with his nimby BBC television employers for whom his program earns a sack-full of revenue, enjoying popularity in dozens of countries overseas where men also want to be men!

As for Jezza himself he is a great team leader of his colleagues on the program and certainly brings out the best in them, his efforts being appreciated as a great collaborative effort besides which he is enormously knowledgeable on the subject matter he deals with, bringing with it his own catchy style of enthusiasm and pleasure that creates an instant rapport with his viewers. He’s bluff and immediately engaging. Full of advice and suggestion that viewers know come from his own serious immersion in the stuff he’s talking about. To my mind Top Gear is a portal into the masculine side of the human condition into which women are certainly welcome as long as they’re not pushy or bitchy.

We need to understand Top Gear for what it is not resent the program and its bluff, earnest presenter the way that some do. Those who want us to live in a formless world without definition. Where everything is neutral and neutered and flat. Without color and personality. Where everything is politically correct. Where you can’t express an opinion without having some vile allegation leveled against you because you have an old fashioned opinion and don’t want everything and everyone to be the same. Where Britishness is an offence and where multiculturalism rules and if you don’t like it you’re being abusive! Top Gear is the place where mechanical excellence and design, once among the best things of Britishness is allowed its rightful place and the promoter of so much of this is Jezza Clarkson, friend of Prime Minister David Cameron and a member of the old Tory school.

As I’ve said, you either love him or hate him but to British viewers of Top Gear you still need to remember that you’re living in Britain. A nation with a powerful history and with traditions of industry, design, technology and art that were once great and still are. A part of all of us really whether from what was once Empire or still is home soil. If the BBC are putting the man on trial for an exasperated outburst of temperament, which they now are, then it’s taking to task the visceral emotions of all of us. Challenging the emotions of all of us with what might be described as its own strident liberalism and desire to see anything old and rock solid washed away.


Despite the million or more signatures to the petition supporting him, Jeremy Clarkson’s BBC employers have decided ‘not to renew’ his contract which expires in a few weeks in view of his recent aggressive physical and verbal behavior towards the producer of his Top Gear show. What that actually means is that they’ve sacked him from the program, fired him or dumped him, whatever way you might look at it! In other words despite his boundless popularity, he’s been given the boot for his unbecoming, inexcusable behavior. Trouble is, as the show’s front man he just plain lost it with some administrative squirt when he really should have known better and bitten his tongue. Didn’t matter if he’d come to dislike what he took to be the BBC’s liberal elitist agenda, and no matter the political issues involved, it was always going to be that liberal elite who had the power to stomp on his head if he gave way to his exasperation and stomped on theirs, something that was always likely to happen! They only needed to wait for another dinosaur to self-destruct and that’s just what he did.

Being gobby at the BBC was always likely to cause trouble and result in various warnings but getting physical was stupid and could only lead him one way, and now the police are getting involved. Stupid and needless over what might have been settled with a public apology over a drink only that was never likely to happen. Not with all the media publicity involved. Too many daggers were drawn.  

So Jezza’s gone and his two co-presenters are likely to go with him, yet the BBC maintains the show will go on. It’s quite likely. Trouble is, his commanding personality was so integral to its antics that it’s likely to be a pale shadow at best and I predict lose most of its once loyal audience. Meanwhile the man himself and his team are quite likely to get another show of their own elsewhere, possibly with Sky. It’s only a hunch but it shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Friday 20 March 2015


Well we all know exactly what the Conservative Party is, what it stands for and what it most definitely does not! Currently, as the senior partner in a Coalition Government, its leadership is made up of ex public school boys who either went to Oxford or Cambridge or are wealthy members of the middle and upper-middle class who made their careers in business. Indeed its Party in Government stands for business and wealth creation and very much like the last Blair and Brown Labour administration facilitates the unchecked and highly questionable activities of banks and their executives along with the highly permissive regime of its tax collecting arm the Inland Revenue towards tax avoidance by many multinational corporations and super-rich individuals. What the Conservatives are not is a political Party with any real emotional attachment or interest in the ordinary working people of Britain, except that is, when it comes to having a very real and strong attachment to their vote!

The Conservative Party is one that supports mass immigration whether it be from the European Union, Africa or Asia and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Their heart may not be in it but their head certainly is, otherwise why would David Cameron keep openly promising on an annual basis to substantially reduce mass immigration into the United Kingdom and year after year fail to do so. Not simply fail but indeed see it vastly increase year after year. It’s a plain fact that he and his Home Office have really taken no concrete or practical steps to curtail its numbers, thus turning the promises he regularly makes into highly questionable statements of intent. Had he intended to keep these promises then he would have done so. That being the case one can only question the sincerity of that intent.

The Conservative Party is, I repeat, a Party of mass immigration. The free movement of cheap Labour drives down the cost of wages, something which suits the interests of employers and business, its natural allies. Conversely it is not a Party with a supportive disposition towards the organization of Labour and workers organizations such as trades unions. However it performs the great political trick of actually existing on behalf of the few with most of its support coming from a thin majority of the many! In the last five years of Conservative led Coalition Government most Public Sector workers along with many millions of others employed in retail and the service sector have had their wages frozen or seen increases well below the level of inflation. They’ve seen a serious decline in their standard of living, fuelled let it be said by double and triple the rate of inflation rises in their utility bills. The undoubted initial cause of this deadly deterioration was the disastrous and grossly irresponsible investment policies of British banks facilitated let it be said, by the deregulation of checks on their conduct by Gordon Brown’s Labour Government.

The Labour Party and its recent Governments have much to answer for. Before the time of the great post Second World War Labour Government and even up to the years of Harold Wilson and beyond the Labour Party, with its close links to the trades unions, was viewed as the political Party that stood for the rights and interests of working people. And maybe it still was before Tony Blair and his friends took over its leadership, but from the mid 1990s it passed through a substantial political change, a comprehensively abandoning its socialist policies such as they were to become a Party of New Labour, something fundamentally different. Its leadership refused to repeal Margaret Thatcher’s anti-trades union legislation and quickly made it clear they were no longer willing to continue with its one time close relationship with the unions. In fact they turned their backs on the trades union movement and presented a more than friendly face to Tory right wing newspaper magnate Rupert Murdoch, once an arch supporter of Thatcher. In short, in turning their backs on more than 100 years of the history of the Party they rejected all the old socialist values of the Labour Movement which had in the past created the National Health Service and free Secondary and Higher Education and instead turned their face towards business. From 1997 the Old Labour Party died along with its values of social justice and equality and became something very different indeed.

Almost immediately free higher education, so important for bright working class students, was abandoned and the National Health Service opened its doors to privatization.

Today, it’s very difficult to know what the Labour Party is and what it actually stands for, but many of its social policies from 1997 provide us with a very fair clue. From that time on, in fact almost from the day Blair and his acolytes took power the Labour Government became wedded to the idea of mass immigration and multiculturalism. Initially the flood gates were opened to a great wave of immigrants from south-east Asia, particularly Pakistan and Bangladesh. In ten years more than five million Muslim immigrants from these countries with religious beliefs and practices so very different to the Christian tradition of worship in the UK and from a culture fundamentally alien to that which prevailed in the industrial areas of the Midlands and North of England settled in large numbers in what was once the industrial heartland of Britain. This vast wave or mass immigration was welcomed without a murmur and throughout the entire period no-one in Blair’s New Labour Government sought to consult the British people or ask their opinion. In fact, such was their determination to press ahead with their policy that they presented the view that to ask any questions of any kind about the new multiculturalism and sudden appearance of millions of south-east Asian Muslims was likely to warrant the accusation of racist bias or bigotry.

Actually this was New Labour playing the race card in reverse! Anyone questioning their immigration policies clearly had a touch of the nasties about them and with the aid of the BBC all forms of criticism were duly suppressed and anyone opening their mouth was accused of racism! That said, what New Labour actually stood for during this time in respect of its immigration policy was plain intolerance! The same circumstance reoccurred during the last years of Blair Government with its open encouragement of mass immigration from East Europe, particularly Poland. The two million Poles who quickly took up residence were welcomed as economic migrants, people who had little to no interest in permanent settlement in Britain but were here purely to exploit economic opportunity along with all the services and financial benefits this country freely provides from the taxes of its citizens. It became a mantra for New Labour politicians when justifying the arrival of the vast number of immigrants to our shores from east Europe to say that they were taking jobs that British workers, particularly those that were young, didn’t want. This entirely false accusation was magnified into a wider calumny that British youth were lazy and preferred to live on state benefits rather than work.

This generalized attack on British working people, unemployed more often than not due to the collapse of traditional industrial occupations, met with no fierce condemnation from Blair’s New Labour and alas became a kind of stick widely used by the Tory media to dispirit and demoralize all those many millions of our working and unemployed poor who slowly drifted into the Underclass. New Labour’s immigration policies in effect created a reserve army of cheap labour for their new found friends in business. This said, what then is the difference today if between the social and economic policies of the two main political Parties? Well take a look from any direction you like and you’ll find little to separate the two. There is no real difference. The Tories are blatant in turning a blind eye to the rascal misconduct of all their friends in the Financial Services Sector while Labour just wants to keep all the misdeeds under wraps or give it an altogether more human face. Neither Party has anything substantial to offer the working man except perhaps for this. That Cameron and his Liberal Democrat playmates are just a gang of unrequited rascals while the supposedly social democrat Miliband seeks to somehow ameliorate the economic catastrophe caused in main by his former boss Dark Gordon.

You know the intentions of a future Conservative Government from George Osborne’s recent budget. The recent offering by the current Coalition to increase the minimum hourly wage by a handful of pence was an absolute disgrace to the many millions of British workers who receive it, particularly the young. Shameful really when one considers the billions of pounds they print on monthly basis and hand to the banks in the process of Quantitative Easing which actually means just printing money they haven’t got in the first place! A contemptuous handful of coppers for the poor and a shameless handing out piles of printed money to the banking executives! Tiny percentage increases in pensions and tiny tax reduction sweeteners to small investors, but then massive incentives to the tax avoidance rascals with a few promises chucked in to get tough which can only raise a laugh in the boardrooms. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of our students are stuck with impossible debt for the fees they still have to pay.

And all of this Scrooge-like miser approach in the name of the deficit and with much worse to come if they are re-elected with appalling future cuts throughout the entire range of public services. A vote for the Conservatives is indeed a vote for a future massive attack on any Welfare State we have left including the NHS.

So what then does the Labour Party stand for and what is any future Labour Government likely to do? Thin on the ground as any of their promises may be, certain things are for sure. Miliband will protect the NHS; he will reduce the terrible burden of debt on students by reducing their fees and he will seriously increase the miserly minimum wage along with ending the wretched overall situation in employment practices by scaling down zero hours contracts and ending the fearful state of insecurity suffered by millions of workers. And best of all perhaps there might be the eventual promise of A Living Wage to the many who currently can’t make ends meet. If it looks good and sounds good it comes with a price, that of the possibility of further increases in immigration, but then it would be no worse at all to what the Tories have been dishing up. In addition however there’d be Labour’s continuing commitment to the EU with no promise at all of a Referendum that would let the British people decide. The Tories will always be Tories but with Miliband there just might be the guarantee that the ghastly mistakes of his predecessor Gordon Brown would not be repeated

The Conservatives stand for thin smears of jam for the many and chocolate cake for the few. It says a great many things. We all love chocolate after all and it’s a kind of incentive for more of us to get our hands on it. That’s why so many people voted for Thatcher time after time. They wanted something more than the jam. They might have been entirely unrealistic but they were always hopeful. She damaged their community spirit and turned them into chocolate hopeful individualists. A greedy dream of the rich and tasties! Previously Labour badly let its electorate down so maybe Miliband has learned the lesson and won’t repeat the dreadful mistake. If he promises to protect the health of the nation then he’ll probably do it, tax the wealthy and much more generously spread out the jam.

As for the Liberal Democrats facing a hiding… they’ll promise everything because they’ve nothing to lose. They conspired with the Tories over the last five years to make the poor pay for the bankers and despite what they say about them saving the country, well you have to be either stupid or a fanatic not to know that they’re a bunch of plain liars.

More about the Clegg Gang in my next post!


Three little Muslim schoolgirl maidens run off from their homes in England in a carefully calculated plan to become brides of Islamic terrorist killers in the so called Islamic State situated in northern Iraq and Syria. So what is it with the background these children come from and what is it with these three children themselves that they should scheme to run off? Leave their parents and everything they know for a headlong rush and commitment to religious barbarism and savagery? For a commitment to men they don’t know; for a commitment to a way of life that will forever identify them with brutality and horror.

What is it with these three little girls to make them want to turn their backs on everything decent they ever knew and make them willing accomplices to a way of life so utterly alien to everything that we British people can understand? Clearly they don’t see it that way and quite frankly they’d never accept what they’ve done as some kind of adventure or other. What they do see it as, I think, is their own personal commitment to a true expression of their faith Not as an extreme or an extremist extension but as the truth.

So what actually led them to this? Well even if they grew up and were educated in Britain there couldn’t have been that many values in their heads one might normally associate with our way of life I would suggest. Indeed if anything had filled their heads at all it would have come from their Muslim religious beliefs; from their Islamic faith. Throughout their education then, throughout the time they interacted with their friends at school and the wider society in which they lived, everything else that we might call British must have passed them by. The Muslim faith of their families and the Muslim values and beliefs of their immediate parental background and Muslim community clearly shaped their thoughts and dominated their mentality above everything else. And the same is almost certainly true for all the many hundreds of other so called British Muslim youths who have left their homes in the United Kingdom to run off and pledge themselves to barbarous people and barbarous practices.

It is most definitely not a situation of grooming or indoctrination we’re looking at here. Like these children and youths were some kind of ideological virgins or other. On the contrary their Muslim upbringing of faith and values in a relatively closed community structure had already indoctrinated them. Prepared their way for a practical leap of commitment, so little else was needed to take them just that small simple step further; deceive their parents and take a plane to an Islamic paradise! After all if they’d read in the Koran that all Jews are pigs and all those not of the Muslim faith are dogs and they get a regular unchecked daily dose of these views, it takes little imagination to see where this will lead them or indeed how their minds would be conditioned. That said their rushing off to associate with Islamic State terrorists and butchers may not be so far-fetched an action and one not so difficult to understand as many might think!

Oh we just can’t understand why they did it… They were such nice girls too… the cry from their parents goes up accompanied by the whole spectrum of apologists from the BBC and Channel 4 to the Guardian. You know how it is… what these nice girls did, what those chaps doing the beheading are… why it’s all  our fault… We British are responsible for it all or better still it’s all the fault of British foreign policy. Better still it’s all the fault of the Jews and Britain supporting Israel; those Jews behind everything as usual. And with this kind of ignorant rationale the Left or should I say the markedly anti-Semitic Left these days puts it all on the Jews. Actually you’ve only got to listen to Hitler’s speeches to hear much the same thing!

Well actually it’s not the fault of the British people or their Government or even the Jewish people that “such nice girls” rush off like that or why so many Muslim youths fly out to join terrorists, get caught by the Turks and sent back home. But it is our fault when our nice Mister Policemen have a little chat with them then let them back out on the streets maybe so they can stab British soldiers to death.

So why are so few of these Muslim youths who grew up in Britain and were educated here so little interested in our British way of life, in our politics, in beliefs such as socialism, in our trades unions, in workers’ rights, in science and the arts so that they won’t rush off and murder on behalf of Islamic extremism? Why is that?

Well better go and ask Tony Blair because he and his New Labor Government allowed Islamic fundamentalist preachers every opportunity to help form their views, protecting them by the police while they were spewing out their filthy racist hate sermons. Now wasn’t that true Mister Blair?  But then equally unforgiveable, what real effort if any was made by our British politicians to ensure that the millions of Muslim immigrants and their children received a serious background education in our British values customs, in our British way of life? And what real effort was made to help them integrate into our way of life? Actually very little was done. Instead they were allowed to form their own separate communities, operate their own Muslim faith schools and cultural centers in which the culture of their countries of origin would be reinforced. So why was no attempt made to help them acquire the cultural values of their new home? The answer is simple enough. Nothing was done to appease the notion of multiculturalism and the screwball army of multiculturalists on the liberal left of British politics who have always hated the idea of what may best be described as Britishness. These people actually detested the idea of being British. They wanted the British people to be something else so the five million wave of Muslim immigration from south-east Asia was allowed to do as it pleased and go its own way with no consideration for the consequences.

And we are living with these consequences right now with the recent terrorist murder of a soldier on our streets, endless attacks by Muslims on Jews and British Muslim children leaving Britain in a headlong rush for terrorist training in the middle-east. All of this has only one place to go. It will break out onto the streets of our country with a vengeance. So much for the wretched ill conceived notion of multiculturalism fostered by the Left and swallowed wholesale by the entire liberal establishment of politicians, church and intelligentsia. Soon it will come home alright. Come out at night and take a chunk out of their sorry arses!

Monday 9 March 2015


If any people out there with strange interests have downloaded this title because they think it refers to the sexual antics of the elderly, may I suggest you think again and try elsewhere! This Post is about politicians. Specifically how the Tory-Liberal Democrat Coalition has behaved towards pensioners and the retired poor in general. It’s therefore likely to be highly critical in nature so if you’re one of those people who, like the Greens, the Lib Dems and some in the Labor Party who think that more hard earned British taxpayers’ money should go in foreign aid handouts to various hell holes around the world, places like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia where it’s only too often used for such educational purposes as terrorist training instead of being given to our elderly people back home or to young British boys and girls who all too often work in poorly paid jobs, then you too can think again. Alas many of our politicians are inclined to minimalize the plight of our pensioners and young, only shoving them up the promises list when election time comes round. And where the elderly are concerned, those they fancifully called the silver vote, think they’re just a bundle of oldies who can eventually be bought off on the equivalent of what a small handful of billionaire tax avoiders squeeze out of the Inland Revenue on an annual basis.

In broader terms I’m talking about people that our politicians so much like to talk about these days. Those ordinary hardworking people! A phrase that so easily rolls off the lips of David Cameron and his acolytes in Government. Oh yes, those ordinary decent hardworking people who worked hard all their lives and regularly put away a little money for their later years, hoping it would guarantee them a little comfort. Hoping to earn a little interest on their savings from the banks and building societies, and with the assurance companies hoping to top up their pensions and add to any state pensions they got. A bit extra to help pay the gas and electricity they need to keep warm in Winter and cook them warm meals. But oh dear, haven’t these utility prices just gone through the roof in recent times under the warm hearted supervision of jolly Lib-Dem Energy boss Ed Davey!

Yes, a little interest from their savings and a decent state pension would together see them alright!

So let’s see what they actually get, these decent folk who’ve worked hard all their lives to make profits for others. Alas it’s not what our politicians would like them to have, that is if they hadn’t themselves stuffed the economy by allowing the banks to almost bankrupt the entire country with their huge losses and fabulous executive bonuses which the taxpayers are all having to pay for… or allowed the Inland Revenue to miraculously find itself somehow unable to collect around 150 billion in taxes owed by multinational companies and billionaire individuals. That’s 150 billion that could have gone into the economy to pay for far better state pensions, get rid of the crushing fees students have to pay and go to pay a Living Wage for millions of young people and adults earning peanuts these days in one of Europe’s worst ever cheap labor economies. One hundred and fifty billion that the rich don’t pay in taxes courtesy of George Osborne’s Treasury!

Sorry you decent people who worked hard all your lives. We just can’t pay you more because the country’s in debt! Oh dear, oh dear, we’d really like to only we can’t! It’s a well-known well-rehearsed story trotted out year after year. Cast your mind back. Don’t you remember hearing it from politicians when you were a kid!

Okay then, how about the bit of extra they earn in interest on the money they saved all their lives?

Alas, it’s another case of whoops, sorry! Has anyone checked out the interest rates lately? Well if for some reason you haven’t then let me tell you that someone’s making a killing and it doesn’t look like it’s you! The rates SAVERS get is on average is currently well below 1% and it’s been like that for years. In fact it varies between point three to point eight of 1%. In a word, PEANUTS. Now tell me, what percent do you think the bankers and building societies make when they loan out that hard earned money you saved as mortgages for house buyers? Well, while you get peanuts in interest they loan YOUR money out at between four and five percent! In other words they’re making a packet out of the money you’ve got with them on deposit and giving you jack in return, courtesy of the Bank of England which under Government instruction keeps the Bank interest rate at rock bottom.

Now just think of it and all the shit that Government politicians talk about how much they love savers! Half of one percent interest for the mugs who worked hard all their lives but certainly not half of one percent for the bank and building society lenders! LENDERS OF YOUR MONEY THAT IS! Oh no, they give mortgages to house buyers at close to ten times the rate that you’re getting my friend. In other words the decent hardworking people now retired ARE BEING SCREWED BLIND by the finance houses and the politicians behind them!

Oh yes, how we love all you decent hardworking people who saved up that money all your lives for us to lend out to another bunch of arse-holes who we also get to screw! That’s because screwing is our business you see!

It’s as I said in the title… SCREWING PENSIONERS. And that’s the appalling thing really. By calling you decent hardworking people then screwing you blind what they’re actually doing is taking the piss, and that’s because they know there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t change the interest rate because they’re the ones who set it, not you, and there’s no point shopping around for something better as no doubt so many of you have tried because they’re all at much the same level so they’ve got all your hard earned savings and they’re lending it out like the bankers they are, meanwhile giving you just about nothing in return. Now that’s what I call plain open contempt and they know it. And not only do they know it but they don’t give a stuff. And quite frankly why should they. With a little help from their friendly Coalition Government they’ve got all you decent hard working savers by the balls!

And while they’re screwing you with their interest rates they’re likewise screwing you with the State Pension you’re getting. Now what was that big increase this year on the Basic State Pension? Was it two quid a week or was it two fifty? Sounds kind of princely if you’ve lived all your life in a plant pot but for all the pensioners in the country taken together it’s the equivalent of what a few billionaires with HSBC accounts in Switzerland save on their annual tax bill, courtesy of their friends in the Inland Revenue that is! One or two percent a month for the retired hardworking people with the cost of living still way over the rate of inflation. But then I suppose that doesn’t matter as long as George Osborne comes on television and tells you you’re far better off than you ever were before! He well knows that flattery will get him everywhere and that’s because the Silver Vote has become too old to be angry. It wants a quiet life now because it thinks that it’s earned it.

If George Osborne and his Liberal Democrat friends in Coalition tell you that you’ve never had it so good then that’s good enough. You’re too old to be analytical and critical. It’s much easier to blame everything on the noisy fun loving young. After a long life of hard work and saving you’ve bedded down in the mud and that’s where you’ll stick! Let others make all the noise… only they can’t because they’re all fighting just to survive and those who sink wind up in the underclass with problems they can’t handle, mainly because they come out of broken family situations and were never brought up with moderate example. Hence their inevitable journey onto the Jeremy Kyle Show which, by the way, could really do with some serious success stories. Like long time happy, stable, successful marriages and family success rather than endless boozing, drug taking and serial adulterous shagging. Good successful examples from those decent hardworking folk who’ve worked to live a decent straightforward life would be good for the Show. Be a matter of pride for the elderly to take with them on their journey despite all the difficulties they still have to bear.

You always know when we’re coming up to an Election in Britain. It’s the time when Government politicians regularly come out with statements about how well the elderly are doing. You can hear them boring you on BBC television on an only too regular basis. Look at how well the elderly and pensioners are doing. Putting it into your mind that they’ve been looking after you specially in recent years! But then they’re politicians! You know, people who ask five grand a day for their services helping business interests under the radar, as Jack Straw recently said. Five grand a day ex-Government Ministers and two quid a week for you if you’re lucky!

Nice work if you can get it but most definitely not for the decent hardworking poor!

The decent hardworking poor are only there to be laughed at. Exploited by the banks and finance houses who give them peanuts and treated with contempt by the politicians who put themselves up every five years and tell them they have to act responsibly and safeguard the economy. Safeguard their handful of friends more like, not the once hardworking folk now retired and unable to use heating full time along with the millions of others who aren’t paid a Living Wage and for whom it’s either heating or eating.

But then, when these people look at you, they silently know what you are, so don’t bother spouting your bullshit on television and tell them how well they are doing.

Sunday 1 March 2015


There has been much talk in the British media about the true identity of a vile Islamic murderer who had personally executed many entirely innocent people in a manner that may best be described as utterly inhuman and barbaric, and for some considerable time they had described this creature as Jihadi John, a nickname given to him by one of his captives. In recent days, after his background became known, BBC Television broadcast an interview with the Islamic Charity Cage during which its spokesman described the killer as a decent, warm and kind hearted human being. In view of the horrific conduct of the killer, glorifying his actions by allowing them to be aired on video, the permissiveness of the interview shocked and outraged a large section of the British public. To my mind the conduct of the Corporation should have surprised no-one given its long standing light touch tolerance of Islamic extremism and its undoubted reporting bias and hostility towards the Jewish State of Israel. This kind of dual policy has been demonstrated on more occasions but the interview itself reached a particularly low point of disgust.

All of this raised media attention to a fervor of enquiry into the background of the killer with much revealed about his background and youth. Soon after information revealed by a former schoolteacher it became known that he had serious behaviour problems during his first year at secondary school during which his aggressiveness required anger management courses. Later it transpired that he associated with a group of Muslim fundamentalist teenagers during his early teenage years after which he attended the University of Westminster, well known for its extraordinarily permissive policy towards Muslim student activities in which a wide platform of Islamic fundamentalist activities was tolerated by the college authorities.

It has been a view of surprise, so often expressed in our media, that how on earth is it that so many Muslim children and youths who’ve passed through the British schooling system and given one of the best educations available on the planet have taken the earliest opportunity available to run off to the Middle East to engage in Islamic terrorist training and activities or in the case of young women carefully plan to rush and marry such people? There’s been so much head scratching and consternation over the issue that it’s almost a joke. Or is it? Is it any real surprise I wonder that given the career path of the creature our media have fondly called Jihadi John should have turned out to be such a filthy specimen?

Quite frankly the very name itself is disgusting. It’s a kind of convenience. Something easily said and presentable. A name easily identifiable for readers of block capital headlines. And in this respect I have to ask myself whether the editors of newspapers couldn’t have created something more fitting, something altogether more appropriate to describe the youth whose bestial behaviour had already been established time back so as to avoid any confusion in their minds whether he was actually slicing people’s heads off or not. John is a Christian name so why tarnish the faith with that? If you want to call him John to make it sit easy with your readers why not use it to describe him for what he actually is, a piece of filth without any morality or conscience. Someone without any care or concern for the pain and terror he’s inflicting. An utterly inhuman piece of evil. In that sense a piece of filth sends out an appropriate message don’t you think?

And if any of you can give me something better, please don’t hesitate.