A Conspiracy of Trash

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Monday 21 July 2014


The demise of yet another Malaysian Boeing passenger aircraft, this time over eastern Ukraine, seems on the face of it yet another mysterious tragedy. Nearly three hundred men, women and children fall out of the sky in an area officially a War Zone creating an incident highly charged with dramatic political consequences. Although the aircraft’s black boxes have both been recovered there is still nothing definitive known about the cause of the disaster. Claims and counterclaims are flying in every direction. Obama and the United States, naturally closely followed by Britain, accuse those in Eastern Ukraine rebelling against the new extreme nationalist Ukrainian Government of having shot down the aircraft with a missile and with this allegation point a finger against Russia and its President as being complicit in what the Ukraine Kiev Government is calling a terrorist attack.

The rebels on the other hand say they did not have the military capability to do such a thing and therefore were not responsible. Their claim supported by Russia.

The blame game is therefore well and truly underway with all kinds of threats being made, mainly in the direction of Russia.

To my mind there are a few simple questions that might be asked. Firstly could the destruction of this civil aircraft be the result of a terrorist incident on board? Could a bomb have blown it out of the skies? Secondly, the fact that this is the second Boeing civilian passenger plane involved in a tragedy in recent months could there be a serious flaw with the aircraft? While both are at least possible explanations for the most recent incident it is more likely perhaps that given the geographical location in which the tragedy occurred, the witches brew of war and politics is a far more likely candidate in the causation stakes.

Apart from that there is only one question to be asked. Who had the most to gain from the destruction of this aircraft flying over Eastern Ukrainian territory? Was it the Ukrainian rebels and their Russian supporters or was it the Nazi inspired Ukrainian Government engaged in fighting the rebels supported by their backers, the American State Department and President Obama?  

The question is simple enough. Who had the most to gain?

Well for one thing it certainly wasn’t the rebels and almost certainly it wasn’t the Russians. The latter are already experiencing heavy sanctions and condemnation, imposed on them by both Europe and the United States over Crimea. It’s therefore hardly likely that President Putin would deliberately seek to exacerbate this by putting Russia in the dock of universal outrage for such a dastardly deed. So was it the so-called rebels? What did they have to gain by doing this in their struggle against the Kiev Government both they and so many others regard as Nazi inspired? If you sit down and think about it the only conclusion possible is that they had nothing to gain and indeed everything to lose by doing such a thing such as support for their cause. For the rebels to shoot down the plane would have been stupid in the extreme.

So let’s look again. And by the way, who had the missile hardware that could bring down the plane? Only Russia and the Ukrainian Government. The rebels never had the capability nor the technological know-how to use it. Alternatively was its destruction by the rebels accidental as some British experts suggest? Just a mistake! Well no, if this civilian plane was brought down by a missile its destruction was quite intentional.

So let’s look again. What kind of people may have done such a thing and what would they gain? Here it must be remembered that the Kiev Government was brought to power by Nazi inspired political groups operating in the Western Ukraine who received support from the American State Department. The overall and ultimate plan was to break any ties between this former part of the Soviet Union and Russia itself, much as the Ukrainian nationalist movement had attempted to do during the Second World War. President Obama’s State Department was certainly complicit in this seizing of power by Nazi groups who had already committed major atrocities against civilians in Kiev and soon after, Odessa. And lo and behold not an hour had passed after the destruction of the Malaysian plane for the new President of the Kiev Government to appear on international television screens and blame the disaster on those now actively fighting against this new Nazi inspired rule. In other words the Kiev Government was already primed up and ready to attack their opponents as terrorists before the world’s media.

So who had the most to gain from the atrocity? The answer seems clear enough. The Kiev Government! So what kind of people are they one should ask? Well if their Nazi supporters had no problem shooting civilians in the back during the Kiev protests the answer is plain enough. The regime in Kiev is far less likely to have any scruples in organising the destruction of the aircraft. You only have to remember what kind of people they are! Their political ancestors provided the largest number of the auxiliary staff used by the Nazi SS in their extermination camps during the Second World War.

If the Kiev Government had the most to gain from the destruction of the Malaysian Boeing passenger aircraft, they’re the people most likely. The whole thing was easy enough. Simply put the blame on those fighting them in the east and point a finger at Russia in the process. With support from the politicians of the United States, Britain and Europe guaranteed they could muster up full support from their media and turn it all on their enemies!

For anyone intelligent enough in Britain to smell a genuine rat you only need tune into BBC News to grab hold of your nose and it’s the same with the press. In this connection it’s fascinating to read some of the front page headlines, led of course by the Daily Mail, one of the nation’s favourite rags. PUTIN KILLED MY SON it blares out on Saturday July 19th next to the picture of a child in another story and without any hard factual evidence. But then this one time Hitler friendly, Nazi friendly paper with its Goebbels style red and Jew baiting mentality doesn’t need any hard factual evidence to say what it does and neither it seems do the others. But then consider this if you will. If it was the Republicans running the United States Government… like John McCain or the loonies out of the Tea Party… they’d have been bombing Moscow by now.

To sum it all up. Forget all the news revolving round in your head. Forget all the gossip, all the crap from the Jonny on the spot reporters and journalists. Forget all the experts called in to give an expert opinion joke-joke, with the backing of GCHQ and the CIA, it was the Kiev Government that did the business, possibly with a few phone calls to the American State Department beforehand to help set it up.

That’s my opinion, but it’s only an opinion. In the absence of fact, of hard no-nonsense evidence, it can’t be anything more. But if political friends of the Nazi inspired Kiev Government here in the West along with their baying for blood media are all pointing a finger in one direction, I’m only suggesting another and of course I may well be wrong. That’s where we differ. Even without any hard evidence they jump to a conclusion that leaves no room for doubt. It’s a game I prefer not to play.

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