A Conspiracy of Trash

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Sunday 8 December 2013



The death of Nelson Mandela it seems has come as a gift for the entire fawning white liberal middle class intelligentsia along with the BBC, Channel Four and the entire world’s collective of politicians, heads of state and reigning monarchs all of whom claim to have known the man one way or another, giving them the opportunity to display the kind of adulation that can best be described as arse crawling creepy.

The man served a fair part of his time in a nasty little racist hell hole believing in justice and dignity, maybe for most of the people of the land that he lived in, not knowing at first how much time was on his side until it inevitably came. A brave man who might have now laughed at all the slush pouring out of so many mouths that did nothing for him and the cause he espoused over so many dark years in jail in the hands of the brutal and stupid.

Let’s call it for what it was then and for what it is now! The regime that sent him down was arrogant, vile  and seriously thick. The regime that replaced it is plain neglectful. The former was racist, the latter hardly much better. The black urban poor have benefitted little over the last decade. The black rural poor hardly at all. The only people who came out of it nicely were the political elite of the ANC and their myriad hangers on. Most whites who had any money or career prospects have left. Their future in the so called Rainbow Nation just about zero. Only the white poor and farming community remain and they’re fast being wiped out in the Rainbow world’s murder center. So much for a legacy of peace and reconciliation. Not that it matters much to the Rainbow Coalition of the world’s white liberal crawlers.

With these people particularly in mind let’s take an honest look. In the last year or more large numbers of black miners living in dreadful squalid shacks and filthy conditions under the control of South Africa’s giant and fabulously wealthy overseas controlled mining houses have gone on strike for better pay and better living facilities. In response the ANC Government with full company support sent in armed state police who together with company police shot and killed hundreds of striking miners in cold blood, many at point blank range, leaving their wives and families destitute. Here, state and company police acted together to break strikes on behalf of local company management and international company executives. This was mainly the work of the white liberals’ much adored new black African Government. That said, where was the voice of Nelson Mandela, the great hallowed Father of the Nation, now in retirement? Where was the voice of this man on behalf of these grievously oppressed black mining workers and the trade union that was fighting for them for a living wage. These were the people who voted for him and his ANC Party. These were among his greatest supporters. Why did he fail to stand up for them when his word would have carried such weight. Why did he fail to even open his mouth when his support would have counted for everything.

Only a deafening silence. The man was living in retirement in one of his many homes, from a mansion in the Johannesburg white suburb of Houghton to his sprawling spread in Soweto… Being endlessly visited by the world’s white and black political so called great and good and showered with every honor imaginable while black mine workers were being shot dead in their hundreds, and tens of thousands were living like animals in company slums. Where was his voice?

Nelson Mandela was never a man of religion but neither was he a socialist. Having become President of South Africa after his release from prison he sought to put his just anger aside in order to achieve some kind reconciliation between people in general. A nasty race war was on the cards in the process of black Africans taking political power and this he wanted to avoid. Under his guiding leadership the ANC achieved that end but that was just about it. Over the last decade little else happened. The African National Congress had never been committed to achieving social equality between white, black and coloured. The urban and rural black working class and peasantry were desperately poor. Most of them living in great slum townships without electricity and running water and toilet facilities and the poor whites weren’t much better off either. What did Nelson Mandela and his Party do over the last decade to raise the standard and quality of life for tens of millions of black people over this time? THE ANSWER QUITE FRANKLY IS LITTLE TO NOTHING. Little has changed. Black miners throughout the country fighting for a better wage and better living conditions are mercilessly put down in a gruesome massacre that easily rivals Sharpeville or the worst that the white nationalist apartheid Government ever did!

So let me ask then. With all this shooting and murder of black working people over the last year or so where was the voice of the world’s politicians, the voice of the white liberal intelligentsia, and all the musicians who organised concerts for freeing Mandela? Where was the wretched BBC and Channel Four? A few words and lines here and there from the whole puerile collective. Little more. Oh yes! I forgot! Where were the words of condemnation of the ANC from Ed Miliband and the Labour Party? From Nick Clegg and all the other scummy Liberal Democrats? From America’s President Obama? From the Clinton’s, bless their little whiter than white liberal cred socks? Where were the words from any of these when their favourite political party, the African National Congress sent in armed police to shoot dead hundreds of black miners? Not a word from the whole wretched lot. Instead they continued to play their favourite little white liberal game called kiss-kiss Nelson Mandela.

The truth is there, staring anyone plain in the face who cared to consider. From the moment Nelson Mandela was released from prison and ‘reconciliation’ officially on a roll, South Africa’s Mining houses that employed hundreds of thousands of men who worked hard underground for a pittance, many far from their families and homes, knew they had it made and that they, too, were on a roll. The ANC would give them carte blanche to act against their Union of Mineworkers. And it was the same for most other employers. Socialism and any struggle for social equality was NOT PART OF THE ANC STRUGGLE. Theirs was only a political struggle against white political rule. SOCIAL EQUALITY FOR BLACK PEOPLE AND THE POOREST WHITES WAS NEVER PART OF THEIR MANIFESTO.

Nelson Mandela never went any further than politics. His struggle was to free South Africa from white political rule. Nothing more. So the socio-economic status quo in the country stayed the same and all those people jiving around outside his houses today will go back to their slums and maybe, just maybe start thinking… Just what did Nelson Mandela do for us during his time of political leadership? Just what did he and his Government do to make life better for us? These are fair questions. They won’t of course, be asked by all those raucous overseas liberals, black or white. The kind of people who call you a Nazi if you disagree with ANYTHING they say! They will only be asked by the black or white working or unemployed poor, the people who the ANC turned their backs on to become one of the world’s most corrupt money and bribe taking gang of politicals.

These days Nelson  Mandela is being hailed as the greatest human being who ever lived in the Western liberal media. He was already iconized the minute he walked out of prison. Now he’s being deified! It’s fitting I suppose that a man who ACTUALLY did so little for so many should be turned into a God. Once it was the same for Roman Emperors. So what’s changed? As for the white liberals of today, quite frankly most are simply not worth pissing on. Remember, it wasn’t the so called liberal John F. Kennedy who gave civil rights to black African Americans but the hard headed southern conservative Lyndon Johnson who did this.

South Africa had to change. The white political regime released Mandela so it could change on the surface. Underneath it all it’s still much the same. Only different in one major respect. This time it’s black politicians responsible for shooting black workers… not white!

Was that what you served 27 years in prison for, Nelson Mandela?

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