A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 19 October 2013



In the last few desperate days America seems to have resolved its political crises. The Republicans and Democrats coming together in Congress to agree President Obama’s fiscal Federal Budget. With only hours left before the country defaulted on its debt, making it unable to loan more money on the international market to prop up its finances, a deal was agreed. Temporary I hasten to add because under its terms the whole question comes up again in January next year. Just a few months’ grace to find a way out of its debt and impossibly bankrupt economy to which, quite frankly, there’s just no solution except to borrow more money and plunge deeper into the shit it’s got itself into with unnecessary foreign wars, hopeless fuel poverty and dependence on Saudi Arabia, more of which soon, buying up cheap crap from China to the tune of billions of dollars and exporting just about nothing itself. That’s the price you pay for playing policeman on the world stage. It happened to the Romans 2000 years back and look what happened to them!

It wouldn’t be so bad if their financial crisis was strictly limited to them only it isn’t. The United States is supposed to have the world’s largest economy but what kind of economy is it that’s bankrupt, with half of its population living in poverty, with its money printing machines churning out billions to loan out to and prop up dozens of other bankrupt economies and corrupt Governments, and the whole mad merry-go-round process churning on faster and faster, whizzing round at a fiscal breakneck speed until all the horses and riders fall off. It’s an everyone gets hurt situation. Meanwhile the whole American political process from the President to the political parties down is turning a gun toting population into a nation of unhappy psyched out desperados. The whole nation from its political apex down to the people is turning increasingly desperate with its consequences impinging on the economic stability of Europe, Asia and the rest of the world. Financial markets keep plunging, steadying, then rallying every time America has a budget crisis with nerves run out to dry on a string.

Meanwhile the British news media establishment, the BBC, twerps on with trivialities assuring people that all will be will well as long as the Duchess of Cambridge is out and about playing netball. Yes, that should sort it all out.


Anyone watching the wretched Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy, Ed Davey, sliming his way out of recently announced further energy price increases in a recent House of Commons televised debate, couldn’t have helped noticing the sick look on his face. He’s had the six big energy suppliers in a totally unregulated industry effectively operating a cartel within his own Department and every six months or so he stands up in Parliament to explain why they’re all putting up their prices at TRIPLE THE RATE OF INFLATION to domestic users most of whom who can’t possibly afford them and have to make a choice between heating and eating. British Gas domestic prices up 9%... Lovely for the shareholders, devastating for customers! And the slimy Ed Davey, because that’s how he looked, trying to sleaze his way out of the increase by mumbling well-hashed rubbish about rising wholesale prices! Well that’s a real joke. When wholesale gas prices fell drastically last year was anything passed on to consumers? Don’t be daft! His recipe, trotted out of his miserable mug with assuring regularity is that people can always and easily change supply from one energy provider to another where they might find a better tariff.

For those who’ve tried IT’S A PLAIN TWO WAY LIE. Firstly the big six suppliers make it exceedingly difficult to switch between themselves. Secondly, when you sit down and compare the price tariffs you’ll find they work out almost exactly the same! Effectively there’s no competition and all Liberal Democrat claims along with those inside the industry that there is should be taken for what they actually are. PLAIN LIES… 

The Liberal Democrats, those friends of the people, are propping up a Tory Government with plain endless lies. I mean, what can you actually say about these disgusting people? If they were Tories that would be fine but it’s not. They’re pretending to be something else, a liberal-democrat break on the nasties and every experience we have of them through everything they’ve done shows that they’re not. They’re far worse than the nasties themselves. They’re relationship with the Energy Supply Industry ever since they joined the Tories in Government has been to give the suppliers absolute freedom to charge what they like and furthermore justify and support these increases with mealy-mouthed jerk-off excuses in Parliament.

There are those in our society who regard the Tories as disgusting. If that’s the case what possible words can you have for the Dirty Liberal Democrats? I challenge my readers to find them!


So Saudi Arabia has turned down a non-permanent seat offered it on the United Nations Security Council, having accused the organisation of having “double standards” with regard to the conflict in Syria and others elsewhere. Yes, they’ve accused the UN of having double standards. Well good for them for making that kind of criticism. Let’s take a look at it for a moment.

Firstly one has to ask why the United Nations offered the country a non-permanent seat in the first place?

Does it have an elected Government with a Parliament of any kind and political parties? Well NO, the country’s ruled by a King and his Family so it’s not any kind of democracy. Okay, are women allowed to vote. I mean vote for anything? The answer to that’s also No. Absolutely not. Not for anything!  Well, is freedom of religious worship or practice permitted? Definitely not! Nothing except a strict form of Islam! Okay, how about the judiciary then? Laws covering such things as social or personal conduct? Hmm, there’s only a strict form of religious law governing this that permits the severing of limbs for stealing and stoning women to death for adultery after a brief hearing in an Islamic court. Hmm, that also doesn’t fit well into the United Nations Charter for Human Rights!

Okay then, no democracy, no freedom of worship, no votes for women, no modern legal system. Only practices that in any normal sense may best be described as barbaric. Well what about a free press and freedom of communication? Alas, no free press. The monarchy controls all forms of communication, electronic or otherwise, and there’s definitely no freedom of speech!

Oh dear, oh dear, it’s not looking good, but remember, Saudi Arabia is one of the closest allies of Britain and the United States on the world stage, so exactly what does it have that gives it such friends? Is it a democratic political and legal system, a convergence with their human rights policies and practices and attitudes towards women? Well not really any of these! So exactly what does Saudi Arabia have going for it that helps gain support from its friends for a non-permanent seat at the United Nations over Japan, Brazil, India or Nigeria?

Well I suppose you could call it stable because just about nothing else is allowed except men trading in markets, smoking pipes or drinking coffee in cafes and practicing Islamic worship. In short, it contravenes every aspect of just about every United Nations Charter yet they offer the country a seat at their top political forum after which it turns round and accuses them of having double standards!

Good for them! They’re almost certainly right in that respect!

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