A Conspiracy of Trash

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Monday 6 August 2012


In sport there are winners and there are gallant losers. We lift our hats to both. But there’s also another category of competitor that is quite frankly just not worth pissing on. They are a no skill, no real effort, no inspiration whatsoever class of losers and yes you know who I’m talking about. You’ve seen them perform. The pathetic and contemptible GB football squad that just got booted out of the London Olympics after their dreadful display in Cardiff.

This wretched crew that so clearly made passing the ball back a speciality because they were so utterly lacking in imagination were clearly a horror squad that most admirers of British competitive sport would like to forget in a hurry. Having watched all their games with mounting apprehension the only thing we all wanted to know was that given their singularly wooden performances and demonstrations of absolute lack of skill, how long it would be before they were dumped out of the competition and how it would happen.

We didn’t have long to wait and we really needn’t have asked. Despite all the coach’s assurances about improvement and a team in the making it took a simple shot by a South Korean against which the GB goalkeeper stood rooted to the spot as it sailed by into the net and later a handful of penalties which he made no real effort to save, seemingly rooted to the ground likewise. As for Team GB’s miss in the penalty shootout, Sturridge’s effort was a ghastly fiasco in which the direction of the kick was clearly telegraphed to the opposing goalkeeper. A shocking display beyond the lowest amateur standard.

What with the shock of a missed penalty early on in the game the rest is silence, except of course for the comments of Stuart Pearce who aired the view that the overall experience “has been fantastic,” and that all the individuals who contributed to it could “go back to their clubs and countries better for it.” Perhaps he even believes that his squad of likely lads is a good prospect for the Rio Olympics in four years’ time!

Now I ask all those fans who went through the misery of watching this squad of no hopers throughout the four games they played, two at least against third raters. Is that a joke? Who’s kidding who here? At least three-quarters of this team demonstrated little professional skill or coordination and should be dumped without further ado. New blood is required and an entirely different and fresh approach. The same applies to the coach and coaching staff.

Will it happen? Anyone who knows that British national team football has been stuck in a rut for more years than most people can remember, anyone with any real intelligence that is, will understand that it won’t. Pathetic players and pathetic performances are here to stay because the best and most talented players are only interested in earning big money and big money is what they won’t earn representing Team GB. Patriotism? National pride? Singing Rule Britannia and God Save the Queen? Forget it! That’s only for the mugs who travel around supporting them. The jack the lads of the Premier League know where their bread’s buttered and won’t get out of bed for anything under fifty k.

And just imagine any of them having to do any serious training. Like Team GB cyclists or rowers or athletes of any kind. Getting out of bed on at 6 am on cold winter mornings day after day to go running! Leave it out!

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