A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 7 July 2012


As everyone these days knows, there are all kinds of swindles! In fact there are as many swindles being worked on the general population of Britain today as there are chancers and jack the lads of all social classes and occupations. Neither is there any limitation of age, colour or creed. In fact it would be true to say that whenever or wherever a situation opens up for single individuals or groups to exploit and make money out of, they are more likely than not to show up and quietly start getting busy pecking away at the pockets and sensibilities of all the good old fashioned gullible but basically decent folk out there just waiting to be taken for a ride.

This re-emergence of the opportunist and spiv began in modern times under the loving tutelage of Margaret Thatcher who opened up the City of London to a legion of on the make wide boys and continues to this day in all areas of life. Indeed, whenever an opportunity presents itself either large scale such as Members of Parliament swindling the taxpayer with false or exaggerated claims for personal expenses, or on a small scale the bullying of tenants of charity registered housing associations to pay for false or non-existent buildings and repairs works or pumped up so called service charges… you know, if you’ve still got the ability to think, that you’re being got at by something thieving and dirty all hot and ready to cheat you.

Then there’s the really big time! The real juicy stuff! The executives and directors of banks who’ve turned the institutions they supposedly work for into hundreds of personalised self-enrichment schemes. The interests of the shareholder-owners and customers alike long abandoned with dividends, share values and customers only a laugh, these people have appropriated the idea of working for others into working solely for themselves. They do not even work collectively for themselves as a group let alone anyone else. They work for themselves AS INDIVIDUALS. As dozens of discrete self-serving money making outlets in shares and bonuses within the one institution using the name as a cover. And the millions of customers simply live an illusion. Big time you can’t go wrong! Take all your customer’s money and play with it on the international money market casino. If you win you earn big time for yourself. If you lose you get the bank to ask the Government for a taxpayers’ bailout. That means less social services and more unemployed youth. Less for those who are old, poor or disabled!

Okay, the taxpayer recapitalises your outfit so you can try your luck all over again. And of course you can still award yourself a bonus for staying on and pretending you’re trying to get back the money you lost!


Another fabulous idea is the great football swindle! Grown men and occasionally women paying good money every week or seasonally to sit together on a terrace to watch…? WELL TO WATCH WHAT? You really need to be offensively stupid or endlessly lie to yourself or just live in a dream to describe the activities of its participants as skilled. In the Premier League they’re often pathetic but in all the rest of the leagues verging on a sick joke. And yet the attendance of countless fans is worked for and paid for. Sacrifices made for that one treat a week. I suppose in all fairness one could say that those who sit there and watch really don’t know anything better. They give their support and their children often plain adulation to their team of hopeless chancers putting themselves about as professional sportsmen when all they’re really good at doing is plain putting themselves about, full stop. Little wonder that the high fliers in the Premier League earn annual salaries on a par with bonus payments to bankers. They’re individuals acting under the cover of the same kind of corporate swindles.

At one end during the course of the year, people are fleeced through the diminution of the Welfare State i.e. public services being trashed to pay for banker losses in international casino gambling activities. At the other they’re being fleeced every week paying the salaries of 18-28 year old working class jack the lads whose real skills are spitting, assaulting opposing players, doing nasty things in night clubs and showing a fabulous ineptitude for controlling the flight of a football! Is it so wrong then that they put up with foreign managers of the English football team being paid the annual equivalent of a bank executive’s bonus when they are simply unable to understand that all these people, M.P’s, footballers and managers, bank executives and all other manner of jack the lads writ large are all of the same stripe. Predatory, exploitative, on the make scheming chancers who have nothing but a fundamental contempt for everyone else in our land.

Okay then… Footballers, M.P’s, bankers… You think that’s really big do you? Well think again! What they’re after is only the small stuff! Your money! Cheat you here, dupe you there! Get you to park your arse on a terrace seat once a week… Get you to vote for them every few years… Small stuff I tell you! The Bank of England can print wads of the shit for Bob Diamond or Wayne the brain Rooney to make merry on. No, the people who I’m coming to now, who are the real subject of this post, are into eating your brain. They are the supposed scientists and researchers at the supposed cutting edge of nuclear, or more accurately particle physics, interested in the matter and energy that makes up people, the world, the Universe and, dare I say it, even the Queen. They are the participants in scientific research to discover a particle of the atomic nucleus  known as a Higgs Boson and in the last few days they say they think they might have possibly come close to getting near to or maybe have done it.

But wait, please do! They’re not sure yet. After fifty years working at it with bigger and bigger machines and more and more money that’s way past Bob Diamond they think they’re almost there. You’ve seen them haven’t you? Every few years on television. A collection of strange looking people holed out somewhere near Geneva all doing high fives and saying they’re getting close now but need lots more money to go away and do it all over again for another five years just to make sure by which time they’ve all had affairs with each other and look greyer or there are new loopy-looking guys on the block along with a new class of superhero television presenter who knows about particle physics, cosmology, geology, biology and just about any other ology you can think of. Yes you all know him don’t you!

It is really very important for sub-atomic physicists, i.e. particle physicists, to find a tinsy-winsy particle of matter from a smashed atom nucleus called a boson, whose name derives from Chandra Bose an Indian scientist and called a Higgs Boson after a Scotsman who said it had to be there. Without it, the whole theory of how the nucleus of an atom is made up, known as the Standard Model, would fall to pieces. The rare and wonderful breed of particle physicists who have been busy building this Standard Model for donkey’s years, most of it constructed of notions and ideas glued together by conjecture and based on a quicksand of endless speculation rather than solid experiment, have constructed this lovely thing with matter and energy all neatly balanced up. The only thing needed to make it work was an explanation of what actually made all these countless tiny particles hang together. For that each needed to have mass. The solution was simple. Another tiny particle had to be found which gave all the others mass and make the whole bloody thing work!

The need for the ‘discovery’ was out there ready and waiting. Just a few things first though. Start by presenting it as an idea, then give it a name and go out and find it. Then everything would be proved and the world would be okay. Just that one little thing more called a Higgs Boson and all the world would be right! It was so important to find it that it just had to be found. If not nothing would hold together and everything begin flying apart. A bit like the Greek, Portuguese, Irish and Spanish economies. Something just had to be found or else nothing and no-one could exist. Not Bob Diamond or horror of horrors, the saintly Brian Cox himself let alone the one and only, the true Master of the Universe, Stephen Hawking. No, the thing had to be found or none of us would exist. There’d be no mass anywhere in the Universe. Forget the stars, forget the galaxies… I’m talking Barclays Bank here and the guru behind all modern cosmology.

And no, arsehole, I’m not talking Bob Diamond! According to the situation that’s been theoretically cobbled together and for which little hard independent evidence exists, outside its hard core activist fan club that is.

The Standard Model of the atomic nucleus needs the Higgs particle to explain why everything is where it is and doesn’t come flying apart. Mass gives matter its place, much the same as money and power for the basis of the class structure. Take away money and Bob’s cleaning out the portaloos at Glastonbury.

Now let’s get serious here. Particle physics explains much more that our own material world. It helps us understand the existence of stars, stellar gas clouds and galaxies. It may help explain the content of those great voids of space between galaxies with their hypothetical dark matter and energy. Briefly, particle physics and cosmology go hand in hand only there’s a whole lot more to it than that. Cosmologists seek to understand the nature of the Universe, how it started and what it’s like, how long it’s been around and where it’s going. Nearly everything they have to say is speculative. Theoretical. Full of problems about proof, yet recently things have been turning political, religious and nasty.

Up to the end of the fifties the views of Fred Hoyle, Cambridge professor, held sway. He was an atheist. Didn’t believe in any God or the idea that such a thing could have any part in the creation of the Universe. In his Steady State Theory of Cosmic Evolution he argued that the Universe had always been there and always would. It just evolved and changed and kept on growing in a kind of cosmic evolution. Then suddenly everything changed. For reasons never explained he was dismissed from his job at Cambridge and not long after a religious young Catholic scientist and mathematician took his place. Stephen Hawking believed that everything started off with a single explosion. A Big Bang. That all matter came into existence in a single moment in time and eventually turned into stars and galaxies. He got his idea, the Big Bang Theory, from the background radiation data coming into our planet from every direction in the Universe discovered by scientists at the American Bell Laboratories which seemed to support the theories first put forward by a catholic priest at the end of the l920’s. Hawking went along with it all and developed it further into The Big Bang Theory of Cosmic Creation.

Although Hawking has been careful never to state the connection himself, the idea that the Universe was started off by THE HAND OF GOD was taken up enthusiastically by the Vatican, especially by that most political of Popes, John Paul 2nd  who much favoured the young Englishman and fellow in the faith. It’s pretty straightforward really. The idea that the Universe came into being in an instant is a dead ringer for the hand of God explanation, taking the science of cosmology back to its religious roots of the 14th century. Indeed, cosmology today is ruled by the Big Bang Theory and is comprehensively imbued with theology. Wherever you look you’ll find God. As for today’s cosmologists and those interested in the formation and structure of our Universe, the best one can say is that they’ve offered token resistance if any to the onslaught of religion and the Divine into their once precious science and have fundamentally capitulated to this entire retrograde movement.

Stephen Hawking’s cosmology with its endless speculation of black holes and other universes now rules everyone’s thinking. When you think cosmology today you can only think the Hawking Way. His views may not be challenged and have spread into every corner of our consciousness about the Universe we live in, courtesy of his many disciples and the countless institutions and children’s books spreading his thoughts like a religion. To put it all very broadly, everything started with a Big Bang and will one day all end in fire followed by absolute darkness. Perhaps, that is, until God comes around again. Simples!

For myself, I think that all these notions will one day pass in the face of experiment and discovery and that our knowledge of the ocean of space and time and so many worlds will be constructed on the hard won basis of evidence and fact, and that evolution, in matter of all kinds, will come to our rescue and help direct our thinking. Science and its ideas, like truth itself, doesn’t need to be based on necessity and fear, the way our economic life is today. Why is it that everyone’s calling the Higgs Boson particle ‘the God particle’? It’s because it’s supposed to be able to explain everything. That’s how all the media describe it yet how many scientists do we see standing up to challenge this kind of description, this artificial entrance of faith into their views? Why shouldn’t something that explains our natural world originate in our natural world and not simply be viewed as a divine happening?

Have our scientists today, our physicists and students of the cosmos then sold themselves so cheaply to the men of religion? Where speculation all too easily replaces fact in the absence of empirical data gained through experiment because of the difficulties for research in the field, the subject itself becomes a vacuum likely to be filled with theology and the divine, and the minds of researchers all too easily taken over by the stardust of faith from the heavens and the men who purvey it on Earth.

Maybe that’s why particle physicists and cosmologists today don’t get along too well with real scientists like astronomers whose discipline or more often based on mathematics and the sciences of measurement and optics. These are the real scientists of the cosmos. Their work a great ocean of technical data, measurement and photography than bullshit ideas that endlessly may or may not be. When do our saintly cosmologists these days forever hanging onto the coat-tails of the Divine ever talk about the great Hubble Constant, a mathematical equation based on endless empirical data connecting the motion of galaxies, their recessional speed away from our own, to their distance from us. The equation describes this hard empirical fact of galactic motion perfectly and is so important for understanding the size and extent of the Universe that cosmologists today can barely bring themselves to talk about it and its Doppler Red Shift verification.

So sad for all your endless Big Bang Swindle and your Higgsy-Pigsy Swindle too. Of course you’ll find the energy signature for the particle in the Large Hadron Collider. You need to so you’ve got to. It’s only then that you’ve got the real problem. Somehow the swindle has to be maintained but quite frankly I see no great difficulty in that. Once the particle has ‘definitely’ been found there’s always the possibility that it can also be broken and what have you got? Lots of tiny Higgsy-Piggsies all packed together, each with their own little energy signatures working together to create an equilibrium we can call mass! That means work for all those particle physicists at the Large Hadron Collider and elsewhere for the next fifty years. All the European Central Bank needs to do is keep printing euros. Billions of them so that the scientists can find the next tinsy-winsy!

And now that Bob has left Barclays, guess who’ll be the new Chief Executive Officer at the bank financing all the new and endless experiments? And for every great discovery those scientists make guess who’ll be getting a bonus? But by that time the City of London will own the whole Premier League so that banking executives and football supporters can all sit down together and work out how England can win the World Cup in 2150!

However the real trick is to take it all a lot further! Amalgamate football, politics, banking, finance and phone hacking into an understanding of how the Universe really works!  The banking and financial swindles, the political crooks and their expenses, the fabulous football swindles of guys pretending they can kick a ball around, the newspaper journalists who buy policemen for money and of course, the great big Higgs Boson Swindle of physicists telling us when our bank accounts are all coming to an end and how much more money they’d like us to give them for proving that a banana isn’t really a pooh stick. Now that’s a really clever idea isn’t it! We’ll call it Intelligence Enterprise and float it on the London Capital Market, say at £1 a share. The Coalition Government with Nick on hand will help things along. Each month every worker in the country will have five quid docked from his pay packet to make him the proud owner of five shares!

Not half a dozen dirty great big swindles here and there but one ginormous swindle involving the whole country. Then at last we’ll have what Margaret Thatcher always thought we should be. A nation of swindlers! And won’t she be proud. There alive and well in her Alternative Universe she’ll be looking across at us and smiling at her beloved Nigel. Didn’t they do so awfully well, Nigel… didn’t they do so awfully well? You can hear her saying it in that superior little voice of hers. She whom you all voted for when she robbed children from poor families of their free school milk. You remember how you loved her when you watched your house prices go up in the wretched estate agents windows then crash to nothing in no time! You remember that swindle don’t you? After all, you made it happen. You went along with it like all the swindles today that you’re just letting happen.

That’s the real meaning of the great Higgs Boson Swindle. Soon they’ll be lying to you about what you’re made of and the Universe you live in while they’re making off with your remaining welfare and social services. Soon it will be the National Health Service, the money you have in the bank and your pension. Soon you won’t know who you are anymore. You’re now in a Universe full of filthy journalists who don’t care what the truth is, politicians who pretend that they’re different, financial rascals and bankers who are plain thieves, ball kicking jokesters and up front merchants who put themselves about as something they’re not… BUT DON’T BE DISMAYED… Get a grip on reality fast and hang on for dear life. Fight for justice and truth wherever you are and don’t be afraid. Someday soon you won’t be surrounded by Higgs Bosons and life will be clean again.

With the decent men and women left in our country, with our pensioners, our students and our struggling youth there is still hope.


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