A Conspiracy of Trash

Try a sample and enjoy!

Friday 20 April 2012


With a few simple questions and a market trader’s ability to put on a friendly face it’s possible to ascertain just how impressionable crystal healing enthusiasts actually are. I know, I’ve been doing it for years and can tell you that experience shows the existence of a genuine spectrum of impressionability from those who believe anything to those who ask stupid questions and accept stupid answers as long as they’re delivered with earnest, well-meaning good intention.

When I say ‘believe anything’ I don’t mean just about anything but ANYTHING. Like Napoleon was into rose quartz or that Lenin’s pet monkey wore a quartz crystal pendant!

Hmm, I didn’t know Lenin had a pet monkey. Just goes to show…Sorry to disillusion those of you who have any faith in humanity but there are people out there, lots of them, who actually believe that kind of shit. And guess what, they can vote!

Understanding impressionability and its various levels among crystal healing adepts is an important key in the armoury of those who make a living selling crystals, semi-precious jewellery and minerals for unlocking sources of cash. The important thing to remember is that wherever you are along the spectrum with whoever you’re dealing with, it is crucial to convey absolute sincerity and a certitude of knowledge. As a trader you simply must come across as both authoritative and honest. In a word, unchallengeable. You are there to enlighten as well as assist. That is what enthusiasts want most. Enlightenment. Enlighten first then take their money!

No need to try selling. Your knowledge of an enthusiast’s needs does it for you. You’ve made them understand they’re at the right place. That your market stall is their spiritual home and you are the master! In the universal world of the spirit, what some might call the psyche, there is the darkness and the light, and how easy it is to present these as two separate spheres of existence, the dark side and the light by which you can characterise the human condition, each side having its own qualities, energies and powers.

Okay, just a little question for you now. Who said, “you don’t know the power of the dark side?” Could it be Dracula, or Satan in the Bible? Or even some politician like Gordon Brown? You just never know with these guys! Well actually it was none of these! Do I need to tell you who it was then? Of course you know. He’s as much a part of popular culture as any of the above! Right, so what about Darth Vader you’re asking and what does he have to do with this post? Fair question, but consider an impressionable crystal healing enthusiast in front of my stall asking me about the power of crystals and what effects they have, and me telling him or her how they have different healing properties and energies and may act upon the light side or the dark depending on what they are!

Indeed I stress that crystals have both positive and negative energies, a light side and a dark. And here I might say in a deep meaningful voice that cannot be challenged, you just don’t know the power of the dark side!

Maybe you think I’m having a bit of a joke, well I’m not. I’ve never had a crystal healing enthusiast to whom I’ve said this tell me I’ve got to be kidding. My comment about the power of the dark side has always been unfailingly accepted. It’s never been challenged or questioned, and no-one has ever laughed either.

Okay, now hands up all those who’ve still got any faith left in humanity! Right! It’s time now for you to go and put a pound in the sin bin for voting Liberal Democrat!

At the same time, pardon me for asking. Don’t you find the above a bit scary? It wasn’t Darth Vader’s eyes that mesmerised. You couldn’t see them. Neither was it really his voice, though it certainly helped. No, it was the notion of darkness, particularly intent. It is the notion of a dark side that provides fascination, and what is there that is best suited to counter it? Yes of course, it’s the light side, the side of the good, a power provided by quartz crystal energy. Something that’s all around us and whose ways we must learn! It is our understanding of their ability to heal. That first! After which we ourselves can become healers, knights no less of crystal healing. Teachers with our very own apprentice!

The line of enthusiasts queuing for training can be considerably long. I often have them returning to my stall seeking advice. Even though I make it plain and with all sincerity that I just run a business and am certainly no healer, many adepts simply refuse to believe me. They think I’m trying to mask my identity, that I’m really some kind of wizard with special knowledge of the light side of the crystalline spiritual force. Otherwise as they say earnestly, why do they feel so compelled to come back to the stall?

It’s a kind of circular logic that’s difficult to break but then why should I want to if it helps me minimise the dark side of my bank balance. The fact is that the impressionability of large numbers of crystal healing disciples is indeed scary although it’s rarely a product of inspiration or insight. It’s more typical that any big moment is likely to fit into a pre-existing psychological framework of need. A place for connections that spark off the magic! Crucially it’s the framework that sustains belief then directs social conduct. If you are taught to perceive something or someone in a certain way then loving or hating both become easy. A whole nation is taken in. They’ve bought into a package.

Conversational charm relating to crystals is one thing but a whole people judged, that’s quite another. It takes special circumstances for a whole race of people to become demonised and it takes a special kind of psychopath to make it happen. It is one thing to believe that crystals possess physical properties, quite another to believe they possess occult powers independent from their aesthetic attributes. Occult power introduces a propensity for judgement so these things can be given qualities they do not intrinsically possess such as lightness or dark, good or evil.

And before you know where you are you’ve bought in. A whole spectrum of mind games surrounding the black arts of indoctrination awaits you. It’s a wonder to behold! If you convince people you also buy them. Sell them an idea and you buy their freedom along with it. Remember, your freedom to be free is one of the few things you’ve got and there are so many people out there who want to take it away.

But there again, it’s one thing to be impressionable, another to actually need to be part of a group, a collective of enthusiasts and adepts. You’re part of something bigger than yourself. A place where people are mutually supportive. You won’t stick out like a sore thumb anymore. Your belief is a passport into the club. You’re safe and secure there along with your views. It’s not a crime to be impressionable and have these only too human needs but it’s a weakness not to recognise them in yourself. One that can be easily exploited. Street market traders and clergymen, party political jerk-offs and psychopathic dictators all have this ability in common… They are all geared to read the impressionability of the impressionable a mile off!

So how can a market trader with any claim to integrity sell crystals to impressionable middle-aged ladies you’re asking yourself? Especially after everything I’ve said here. Well I’ll tell you. I DON’T. Furthermore I don’t even try. I tell them what my crystals are supposed to do then point to a large collection tin on my table marked LIBERAL DEMOCRAT ELECTION CAMPAIGN. If they still want to buy one they can pop the correct sum into the tin which I send off every month to Party Headquarters.

So, after everything I’ve said in this post isn’t it really the most honourable thing I can do? Well isn’t it?

Or am I telling you a monstrous lie. Wondering about how impressionable you are.

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