A Conspiracy of Trash

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Saturday 31 August 2013


This extremely important news story, readers, is a very personal matter for me and to be truthful I had to think long and hard before releasing it to the world. My motive was simple enough. In view of all the recent conspiracy theory stories and drama surrounding her name, her death, her supposed murder by an SAS sniper of all things that has appeared in the British press in recent weeks I felt compelled to set the record straight. This tale of an SAS sniper trolled around various newspapers, particularly the Daily Express whose circulation has often depended on such tales for a good number of years, is yet another good old worked up yarn, substantiated by a storyline thinner than any chemical weapons attack justification soon to be used by America for attacking Syria! Sounds great as a headline. SAS Kill Princess Diana but only if you’re totally susceptible to bullshit!

Yes, there’s been all kinds of conspiracy stuff peddled about the nation’s once Dearly Beloved like how and why she died but there’s nothing at all about the real truth… how badly she wanted to leave public life, how desperate she was to drop all the royal crap and escape from those Windsor Crazies, lead a normal life, a life of her own and for herself. Forget all the Dodi Fayed supposed romance. Supposed I say. All that was a blind, a careful invention. Something she herself cooked up to throw all the press-hounds and bullies off the scent. You know what they’re like. So did she, as we all know. Creeps who spend most of their apprenticeship time learning how to smell shit and when they can do it from half a mile off they get to work in the gutter. Well she knew all about them right enough, they’d been getting up her nose and more for years and what with the wonky-Windsors and all as is well known, she’d had more than enough and wanted out.

But how to escape? That was the question. Lovers and boyfriends? It all took her round in the same kind of circle with the same kind of dirt, the same kind of publicity, speculation and what can best be described as plain rubbish. No, she wanted out from all that. Out from the whole god-dammed lot, with the exception of her children perhaps. It was all simple enough really and she’d almost certainly known it for years. The only way to get out of it all and be a normal human being again was to fake her own death, and that would take some serious organisation and planning. She undoubtedly had friends in the military but there were very few she could trust. This was, after all, a pretty big thing. The secret would have to be confined to one single person, maybe two at the most. A confidante, someone with whom she could plan the whole thing. Convince the police, convince just about everyone. The chauffeur and Dodi? They were sadly expendable. She had her own personal agenda. To live her own life. Her life, not something she was living for everyone else. She was, as everyone knows, very much her own person but in time she’d become public property. Every part of her, her thoughts, her feelings, belonging to millions of others.

When the time came she just wanted escape so she faked her own death. She knew where she was going. Somewhere where no-one would find her because no-one would look. Not somewhere far away in some country or other, some retreat or hideaway. No, the best place, somewhere no-one would look was here at home. Some town or other. Lying low for a while. Developing a new identity. Looking older in time so that people might think she was just some strange kind of look-a-like. After all she was dead, wasn’t she? A fact so well established by the media, the police, her Royal family, just about the whole bloody Establishment, that no-one would think any different. All it needed was for someone else to go in the coffin and that wouldn’t be so hard to fix. The boyfriend was easy enough so someone similar and newly deceased, a bit of makeup in the mortuary. After all, how many of her adoring public every got to see her face once she was dead? They were all too busy crying! So what might have seemed almost impossible might have actually turned out to be easy, and so it was.

In effect she just vanished out of the scene. Hid away, moved from place to place, changed her appearance. She had money enough so it was all simple and easy. Relatively straightforward. I mean think of how many people must have said it… Did you see that woman just now in the street? Didn’t she look just like Diana! Or… I had a really strange experience yesterday on my way out of Morrisons. Saw some woman who looked just like Diana, only older in a funny kind of way. Really spooky it was! Okay so your wife or your mate listen, but never think of it twice. Diana, coming out of a shop! Oh yeah, and my name’s Wayne Rooney! Well I’m sure you know what I mean. No, some small town somewhere, not a village or too small a place. Maybe somewhere like Norwich, Yeovil, Canterbury or Bath. Plenty of people but a good social mix. Everyone too busy to think about anyone else!

That was where I first saw her. The face looked familiar all right. Nice looking lady I thought and a bit like the woman that everyone once knew. In everyone’s heart if you know what I mean. Especially after she’d died. It was just a curiosity at first. A strange reminiscence that passed across my mind. Nothing more. I didn’t see her for six months after that but then I came across her again. Working in one of the town’s coffee shops. Wearing flat shoes and done up in an apron. Serving at one of the tables. My memory of that first encounter immediately came back. She looked much older than the princess I ‘knew’. Early fifties perhaps, hair grey and a bit dowdy, going about her business. Picking up a tip from one of her tables. Serving coffee and cakes to a family of Japanese tourists. Just some ordinary woman with an ordinary job here in Bath. Typical cheap labour in the town’s tourist trade. Then something caught my attention. A little girl around six all oriental and pretty had looked up at her and showed her the cuddly toy she was holding. Suddenly the waitress smiled with pleasure. A kind of warm friendly smile that went straight to the heart, with her eyes lit up a fraction. The whole thing stirred my thoughts and hit me like some kind of shock. Well if that wasn’t a dead ringer for Diana’s well known expression then I’d be dammed if I knew what it was. But that was impossible…

Almost immediately I turned and looked again but by that time her face wasn’t so clear. She’d moved away and was heading back to the counter. I’d hoped to catch another glimpse but never did. Not on that occasion.

I went home with my head buzzing, not knowing what to make of it all, the whole thing turning round and round in my head. Diana! Yeah, the dead Princess… So go tell it to Rupert Murdoch! A few days passed. I wanted to go back to the coffee shop and take a peek but quite frankly began wondering how delusional I was myself. Diana, serving up cream teas in Sally Lunn’s! Let it go boy or you’re in for a serious headache!

That’s exactly what I did! Just let it go. That is until a few days ago! Sure, I’d checked out the teashop again time later but found out that a Miss Cooper who’d been working there had left. It went out of my mind all over again till last Saturday, just before lunch. I was sitting with some friends in the lounge of one of the big hotels in the city taking some drinks when a touch of perfume drifted by. I turned and immediately took in that long narrow face once again. It was her! Passing by the desk in the foyer giving the receptionist a nod before going through the revolving doors at the entrance. It had to be her! I mean, it was the same woman I’d seen in the teahouse! Just imagine my feelings. What on earth was she doing at the hotel? Should I approach the woman behind the desk? What the hell should I ask? Seconds later I was up on my feet, going over like I was walking into some kind of dream. That lady? I asked, wasn’t she in yesterday’s news on Points West? ...which by the way, for the uninitiated, is the deadly dull and dreary local television news. The woman looked at me with some surprise. What Mildred, you’ve got to be kidding! She’s been chambermaid here for over a year! Not likely to be on anything really!

Mildred the Chambermaid! It should have killed it once and for all! Yeah, Princess Diana some wretched chambermaid… but then the more I thought about it the more the whole thing came together. It’s exactly what she would do! Drift from place to place. Never allowing any firm identity to build up behind her. The control of her life firmly in her own hands. It was then that I thought of the boys. Her two sons whom she’d always so clearly loved. Now one was happily married to a really fine girl and they’d just had a son. If this woman was really the person I thought then she had a grandson. She was a grandmother and mother-in-law! Did she, could she ever see the two children? Did she ever see any of her family. The virtual impossibility of the whole situation was only too evident. It was indeed truly impossible. The grey-haired slim woman with the aquiline face was at best only some vague kind of look-alike. It was all in my mind… If I came out with any of it I’d end up in an asylum. I mean, the Establishment wouldn’t find it that hard, with all their friends in the judiciary. Just a brief nod and it would be the men in white coats backed up by the nour nour sir, you’d better come along with us in the van, boys. No, open my mouth and I was part of the living dead, locked away somewhere deep underground like I was in some kind of French novel!

And yet, and yet… I was a writer. I had a story to tell! But then, when all’s said and done I just couldn’t be sure. Was it really the Princess? Could it really be her after so many years? I needed more evidence, but that would be almost impossible. If she really was who I thought she’d smell some kind of rat half a mile off. There was no way of getting anywhere near her if you know what I mean.

It was yesterday that matters came to a head. Soon as I’d seen her in the hotel my mind was a whirl. I just had to go back. See if I could just get a sight of her, however brief once again. I did and it was early that evening that I definitely knew. In through the doors and passing close to the desk I was recognised by the girl on reception. You’re the gentleman who was here just a short while ago, was the part enquiring voice with which I was greeted. I nodded, my eyes taking in the plump curves in her blouse. Well sir, as you can imagine we all had a shock… Miss Mildred phoned in early this morning… Got a much better job down in Devon she said… Some mate of hers came in later to pick up her pay… Was she some friend of yours if you don’t mind me asking? I smiled, just shrugged my shoulders. Just someone I knew I half muttered . I got a coy look on the way out. Interested in middle-aged women eh? Well she sure knew my type!

I left, knowing for sure now that I’d been right all along. Seen at the teahouse then at the hotel. She’d put it together and got the hell out. If I wasn’t some rat in the media it could even be worse. Somewhere in Devon? That was also a blind. She could be just about anywhere by now, and look, let me put it to you straight. I know all of you out there want to know more. Get back under her skin as it were just for your own satisfaction so I’ll tell you the truth. Well it’s like this so you’d better be ready for it. I’ve decided for the sake of journalistic honesty and integrity to come clean. I made the whole story up just to give you a read. I know absolutely nothing about Diana. I’ve never seen anyone who even remotely looks like her! Honestly, I swear to God…

And finally… here’s a question for you. Can you see any connection between the above post and the assertion that the Syrian Government used chemical weapons on rebels, one about to be used as a pretext for America attacking that country? If you can see any connection your comments will be welcome.
If you've enjoyed reading this post and others in the series, why not try reading some of the novels I've written? One is a highly enjoyable black satire about the English Literary Racket and what unknown writers have to do to try and get their work published. It exposes the whole dirty world of literary agents, celebrity writers, journalists and publishers and it tells you the truth. I know, I've been through it all.

A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH is a story that Rupert Murdoch's book publishing company Harper Collins, the largest in the UK, refused to publish. You can download the Foreword on Amazon for free if you like, and if you want to read more it will cost just 99 cents or around 75 pence. Above all I hope you enjoy it and that it makes you laugh because I enjoyed writing it.

The story has many different characters and one or two heroes. It also has a serious message. About the people who really control publishing and the kind of books they allow you to read. All the publishers refused to give this black comedy a public hearing. They pose as liberals, believers in free speech but they're nothing of the kind and the thing they fear most is satire. If you read A CONSPIRACY OF TRASH you'll understand why.

Another great read is my Science Fiction novel THE ADVENTURES OF A MAROONED SPACEMAN told in two parts. It’s a story about a human being’s struggle to survive after being dumped on an alien world after his Starcruiser is attacked by space pirates. It’s a real thriller about human endurance and the triumph of a man against all the odds.

Finally you’ll really enjoy my exciting human interest drama THE BROTHERS PAGE, A VERY ENGLISH NOVEL, about a working class family up north, two brothers and their sister, who make it out of a tough grinding background to achieve happiness, fame and fortune. Through it all the guiding spirit is Ma Page, who nurtures her family through many adventures. This is a story full of happiness and romance where true love is found. A great family tale full of hard work and ambition, optimism and hope. Something that will warm the hearts of those who find life tough and dispiriting today. You can likewise get some free download from Amazon to experience the spirit of the story and to buy it is cheap. I promise you’ll enjoy it!


  1. Did you talk to her?
    Did she seem to be awkward?
    I spotted today a lady who looked like her fishing at about 8pm in Australia in a remote town..
    She seemed like she had a brain injury, she had a English accent me and my partner talked to her for awhile.
    We was curious asked her if she had caught any fish. this lady was a dead ringer.
    she said she went fishing at another location before hand.
    She mentioned her daughter didn't want to come fishing, so she said she can stay home to do the dishes if she caught anything.
    She mentioned about squid fishing. she had a tattoo on her foot.
    The place I live would be a great hide away for her.
    the jobs you have listed strike me as something a person would be doing with a head injury..
    She was driving a black four wheel drive as well it had tinted windows.

    Now I have read after my sighting that she was spotted in Dorset squid fishing.
    Coincidence much.

    I have lived in this town all my life and have never bumped into this lady before.
    We are small but large community. not many people would think about it if they came across her.

  2. This is utterly ridiculous! Get some help! If she truly was alive...like she'd really be working! She was...duh...rich!

  3. she could be alive she could be hiding from the paparazzi

    1. Still alive or no, Rich and in hiding or poor, brain damaged, and struggling as most do, to pay bills and get by. One crucial fact is missing here. Before her marriage, Lady Diana Frances Spencer worked both as a teacher's aide at a kindergarten, and as a nanny for an American family. If alive but hiding today, it makes more sense that she would return to familiar work where her caring nature could shine through. Scrubbing floors, cleaning restrooms and changing bed sheets in hotel is WORK. True, but such work makes little sense to me for a former princess (and mother) with such a deep love of people, especially children. A former princess hiding and working as maid somewhere? Nope, I'm not the least bit convinced of that as good fiction, or remotely plausible truth. Many women may look or sound like Diana today, but the REAL Diana is gone. She'd never live in seclusion without keeping in touch with, and seeing her own sons. Diana, being injured but alive, would motivate her boys to see that she was cared for quite well. There has been not one hint that she survived the crash in Paris and is, or could be, in hiding. I WISH she was still among the living somehow, but the crash was fatal! Diana, Princess of Wales lives on now ONLY in the hearts and minds of her family, friends, sons... and all others whose lives she managed to touch before her tragic death.

  4. Pardon My English so archaic. From the beginning I always thought that Diana was not dead. I have deep love for Diana and she got to come to Brazil once and I could not see it. Many people said I was crazy, thinking she might be alive. But now many people say. And if she ran away, if she is alive as I believe it did so because he needed. He had good reason. So I think all of us who loved Diana should preserve that her desire to have a normal life. Imagine, someone post a picture of it? Her life would be worse than before. I leave here registered my love and affection for Diana and I find out there, because the world is so big, I'll reach out and help her if she needs, but, ever say any word that found.

  5. what a fantastic story book tale, had she been able to survive the accident...and to go on and try to live a life in peace. Possibly, and without exception, this could be true. In this case then the people of world who truly loved her should, by all means let her go...
